Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Random Tidbits

All of my seeds are up but my peppers. Sigh.  They should be up by now.  I am getting concerned.  I saved hot banana pepper seeds too and even those are not up.  I can't find organic hot banana pepper seeds either.  Only Hungarian Wax.  Those are much hotter, so my question is are they (hot banana) even a real pepper?  A hybrid? Hm.  I may be using Hungarian if these don't come up and I have to resort to buying plants (which will cost me dearly).

We are late on buying seed potatoes too, but I am on the hunt this week.  We should have had them by now.

We are considering replacing our pellet stove with a propane heater for next winter.  Two years there has been a shortage of wood pellets (this year included).  We had plans to buy up all they had on sale, but they are either sold out or sold by a limited amount, and $5 a bag.  I much higher cost than previous years.  It's been a concern for years now, and I would never rely on a pellet stove for a heat source.  Even finding dry corn has been an issue.  Either way, we like to have 2 sources to rely on considering how cold it got this winter.  Solar panels are an option, but not in the near future.

Also in preparing for changes, I've called around to propane companies.  We are looking to change businesses.  Our current supplier quoted 199.9/gallon.  What a rip off.  I called another that services our area and was quoted 145.9/gallon. Updates on that to come soon.  If I also purchase a double oven in the future, the stove will be run on propane (not like the current electric), so that is kept as an option too, as to what size of tank we'd want.

Speaking of propane, our tank is a buried tank (previous owners did this).  I was told by one propane company that people with buried tanks will soon be charged a $250 test.  They are doing away with buried tanks.  So, we plan to have it dug up and replaced with an above ground tank with a new company.  We also heard that you cannot own your own tank anymore.  Not sure if that is true yet, but a tank with the new company is just $1.00/year, but you can only buy from them, so we are smart is asking if the quote to fill it now is a "new customer" rate and if next time the rate will be hiked like our current propane company (which has always been high).

I got an order for another "f" bomb.  I'm putting the final touch on it now.

Yesterday and today are crock pot meal days - love those!  Organic roast, potatoes, carrots and onion one day, and two crock pots today - Burger Slow Cooker dinner in one, Glazed veggies (carrots, turnips, parsnips) in the other.

The "big city" has been doing road construction for a year now, and last year busted a water line closing stores and restaurants.  Two days ago they busted another water line and there is a boil advisory until Thursday.  I had to call the kids and let them know.  Yesterday, the workers busted a gas line and downtown was evacuated.  Geeze.  They will also be closing the Interstate overpass at the main exit for a month soon.  Yeah, we avoid that area as much as possible for now.  


  1. I love to use my crock pot and was wondering what is Burger Slow Cooker dinner. Sounds like something my family would eat.

  2. Carol, it's almost like hamburger gravy and potatoes. I'll try and post the recipe.

  3. I love my crock pot and make some great dinners in it. Love the sound of the burger dinner.

  4. We love our Hungarian Hot peppers here. My mouth waters just thinking about them. Sometimes I will fry up a big batch with butter and a touch of olive oil until they are tender, and we make sandwhich, so good. When they are to hot, a nice glass of milk will cool the burn.


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