Friday, March 29, 2019

Surprise Mail and other tidbits

I was shocked to get this in the mail the other day!  So happy!  I also received a bag of yarn, left tied up in a bag on my door handle from another person.  Yay!

My new truck. It's really for the both of us, but it'll be my daily set of "wheels" so I don't have to keep asking the kids to rescue me to get out of the house anymore.   Remember I said we had "big ticket" jobs/purchases this year?  Well, this one is one of them. Tinted windows and 4 wheel drive.  No massage seats though, ha ha!  Oh my gosh, the gadgets in this thing?  Oye.  Big Red (the old truck) will be sold.  

Something funny to share about the truck.  We took it out to dinner the night Hubby brought it home.  Daughter was in the back and wasn't getting out.  She told us she couldn't get out, it was locked.  Later Hubby left to get in the truck first to let her drive.  He headed out before us.  When we got out there, he was yelling at us to open his back door, ha ha!  He was locked in too.  We need to deactivate the child lock, ha ha!


  1. Congratulations on the new to you truck! I love the color of it and those child locks are a bad thing for adults. LOL!!

  2. Thanks Carol, we truly got a good laugh about the child locks. I guess that's a good thing if you have young children, but not good for us adults, lol!

  3. How great it must feel to have a vehicle at your disposal now! I know we homesteading gals don't feel the need to leave the property too often, but what an inconvenience when we have to/want to and can't. Throws a clinker in your whole schedule!

    What nice surprises you recently received. You must have been a very good girl!

  4. Nice truck, you'll be styling while your tooling around. Pretty nice surprise the yarn what will you make with the bounty?

  5. Mama Pea, it feels grand to have a vehicle now. Geeze, it's been driving me mad too. It was a very nice surprise to receive the yarn too.

  6. Faith, I am not sure what I'll make with the yarn just yet. I'm currently restocking items I sold at winter market days.

  7. Nice set of wheels you got there! The child locks, if I remember are just a switch that you flick on the side of the door when it is open...the part you can't see when the door is closed. Lucky you with gifts galore!

  8. Ha ha...the child lock...oh my gosh I was turned off by all the gadgets in the SUV I got in those electric windows don't all work. And the garage said I'm looking at thousands to change the computer that signals the windows. The heck with that! I wish I could change them to the old fashioned roll down windows...It's a NICE truck though!

  9. So glad the yarn arrived and you "received!" Good little stash to start restocking; hope it will come to good use.

  10. Congratulations on your new purchase, makes life so much easier when you have a vehicle you can use. How wonderful to be given the yarn, always a joy to receive post.

  11. Congrats!

    But don’t be too quick to deactivate that feature. It could come in handy. 😊

  12. Rain, I'm with you on the gadgets. They cost too much to fix when the stop working. I remember those roll down windows.


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