Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Gettin' the "Itch" and other random stuff

Yesterday I totally went bonkers.  I had the itch to get outside and get flower beds, and the herb garden tidied up.  That itch to get outside was raging like a wild fire I tell ya'.

I yanked on my muck boots and got an early start in the very weedy herb garden.  Two buckets of weeds and 1 hour later I felt replenished.  Next visit will require a wheel barrow.  What a mess I left it in, but boy it felt so good to get a start on it and be outside in the dirt.  Green onions and chives are already coming up.  I timed it just right too, and got some sun.  Shortly after, the clouds covered.

Aside from regular chores, I dug into the baking mode. I made homemade granola bars.  I couldn't find my own recipe, so I resorted to the internet, adapting with what fruits, nuts and seeds I had.  They were very good too.  Soft and delicious.

I got my heirloom cabbage seeds planted.  I so wish I had more space right now.  I really need my green house, but we'll see what goes right this summer for now.  My green onion starts are up too.  Last year, most had died off in my garden, so I purchased an heirloom variety to replenish my herb garden this year.

At two weeks old, the chicks are growing their neck feathers.

I purchased a subscription with this magazine.  Now say a prayer, send me good mojo.  I'm bad about sitting and reading anything lately.


  1. I was out yesterday afternoon getting wood and wondered if it was warm enough for the grand doll to be outside. It simply wasn't. I wanted to be outside as well. Maybe we have a touch of spring fever.

  2. Hi Kristina wow you have been very busy,your slice looks so yummy ,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  3. Must have felt really good to get out in the dirt! Our snow is melting like crazy (very early this year) but I'm still a long way from being able to do anything garden-wise outside. Will be starting seeds inside here within a week.

  4. Good for you getting out and pulling those weeds! I could go out today but now it's looking like rain...we'll see. When did you get the baby chicks?

  5. Please review the magazine that looks really interesting. Have a great spring day!

  6. Those chicks are so cute, what a delight they are. Glad you managed to get some work done in the garden, it is so nice to get out into the fresh air.

  7. Carol, had the sun not been out, it may have been a bit too chilly.

  8. Mama Pea, it was so nice to get outside.

  9. StitchThrifty, I will sure to make updates on the magazine.

  10. Thanks mamasmercantile, it was very nice to get outside.


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