Thursday, March 21, 2019

Fresh Air

I had another successful day in the herb garden.  I think after another 1-2 hours of weeding, I should have it cleaned up.  Then I start in on the rose bed and flower beds.  Daffodils are popping up and spring is arriving finally.  I dumped my weeds just before the rain was due.

Here is just a snippet of what I was working on, and how bad the weeds were last fall.  I left it in disarray.

The cabbage seeds I started are from Baker Creek - Brunswick Cabbage.  I received them free, so I thought, why not?  I have read they are huge and easy to grow.  Crossing my fingers.  

I also started watercress seeds indoors.

I ripped the plastic off the outside of the chicken coop and let them run free.  They were pretty happy.  I had to hike over their run fence to let them out and put them in, sigh.  My back barn door was stuck in the mud.  One more job to do....


  1. Good Morning Kristina! Nice work on those garden beds! Still too much snow here to think about getting in the garden but I will be starting some seeds today anyway. Yahoo spring! My chickens are pretty happy too.

  2. Good Morning Debby, it was great to get a head start on the gardens this year. I am really staying positive for a good bounty this year.

  3. You are really getting a head start on all things gardening this year. And doesn't that feel wonderful. Feel a bit ahead instead of behind . . . always feels great and gives me that added incentive to do good!

  4. Hi Kristina :) That's a lot of weeding...eek. Sometimes I watch You Tube channels and there is one channel where this couple was using "ground cover" to avoid all the weed growth. I've been following them for a year now and last year they had practically no weeds at all. They lay down the "ground cover" (it looks like a plastic type of black fabric) on their garden, then burn holes in it and plant seeds in the holes. I guess it works as a mulch of sorts. Seems like a miracle to me lol...but I'm sure it's not very cheap to buy. Still though, the prospect of not weeding really appeals to me! :)

  5. Still way too cold here to think about working in the garden, but I hope it warms up soon.

  6. Here's hoping you have a successful garden this year. Gerard is in the process of putting a run together for the chickens as at the moment they have the freedom of the hole plot. We don't want them where we plant the beds. Sadly, rain has stopped any progress today.

  7. Mama Pea, I was thrilled to get a head start on the gardens this year. Hoping for more good days.

  8. Rain, we put down newspaper under the herb garden almost 9 years ago, and it worked great until now. There was just too many hot then wet days last year.

  9. mamasmercantile, that's why I went out and weeded. We have to take advantage of any clear day from now on.


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