Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Feel Good Moments

Seeds are sprouting.

Sold 2 more dish scrubbies.

Have enough cut barn beams to last the season.


  1. Looking good in the neighborhood! I still have not planted my seeds. What are the barn beams for? Look at your cute seedlings! Tomatoes? Love the scrubbies!

  2. I love it when the first seeds start to poke through the soil. What a joy to have the wood ready.

  3. Sam I Am, the barn beams are for burning in the woodstove for heat, and yes those are tomatoes - Purple Russian Heirloom.

  4. Thanks Mamasmercantile, I was surprised to see some seeds up already.

  5. Sometimes it is the smallest things that bring the most joy.

  6. Thanks Vicki, it is a happy time to see seeds sprouting again.

  7. Praise and Thank God. Perhaps the season we call "Spring" is just around the corner, finally.
    Prayers for those facing blizzards and floods. Prayers for the people and critters affected as well.
    God bless.


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