Monday, March 18, 2019

Weekend Updates

The craft/vendor show was a flop.  I sold all three dishcloths I posted the day prior, some scrubbies, one mug/coaster set and one necklace.

We sold very little, and after covering the cost of the tables, get this...made a whole $7.00.  Sadly.  It's the last one until fall, although there may be one in late April, I am declining.  I have gardening, motorcycle rides, wood cutting and other projects to be done.  Not to mention the bathroom remodel

Sunday Hubby cooked us breakfast.  Youngest Daughter did hair and makeup for another school's musical (gaining required hours for cosmetology).  

Our 21 year-old moved back in.

The boys came out to dig out some barn siding to build a horse shelter.  They helped cut beams for us to burn.  It was cold.  Snow moved back in late evening, but we see another warm up next weekend. 


  1. Well your short lines tell a lot more then the short lines themselves... Sometimes you have those days. Hope things will work out.
    We have had some really bad weather here, loads of stormy rainy days. It gets to you. Today the sun is shining and I feel the energy coming from it. Already cleaned a lot and baked bread. Hope the sun shows up on your side of the earth too.

  2. Thanks Wendy, the sun would be grand today.

  3. Sounds like a weekend that was hard. But it's over now and here's hoping this new week will bring you sunshine and only good happenings. Hugs sent from Minnesota.

  4. Sadly I found that the only craft shows that we made money on were the fall into Christmas season. While many local shows were in the late winter and spring we avoided them after a few failures. I think those later in the year bring in more people and the holidays are creeping up so sales were much better.
    While sales would have been great, this gives you a chance to slowly build up inventory although I always hated putting the $$ out with nothing coming in.


  5. Thanks Mama Pea, day one with our 21 year-old hasn't started off. Well, it could have been my oldest that stopped over too, but one of them left the coffee pot on all night, and burned the coffee. Could have been bad, and I was not a happy Mom this morning, but the sun is out.

  6. I'm totally the same way as you Sue, nothing coming in makes is difficult to shell out to restock. Sigh.

  7. I think communities need more consignment opportunities for talented people like you. All you need to sell out is for people to actually see your work - it's fabulous! You're going to have to install a revolving door on your house, LOL!

  8. So I came late to the party as they say Kristina. Will you please explain your family dynamics? I have a blended family too and am curious or probably nosey lol. I didn't realize you had any boys between you and your husband. If it's too personal I understand.

  9. So sorry to hear about the craft show. Was it the weather do you think? With your 21-year old moving back in, maybe you'll have help with the spring planting, if spring ever gets here. sigh
    Cold and blowy here, but nothing like the midwest and you are experiencing. Prayers for you all.
    God bless.

  10. Ha, Susan, we hope our daughter will be in her own apt come June. I guess we'll see. We used to have a lot of consignment shops, but all closed sadly.

  11. Lisa B, we are a blended family with one son, but that's not who came out. Who came out were his nephew and his nephew's boys. They are always so willing to help out in any way they can, and we appreciate it.

  12. RB, the weather wasn't bad that day. As for the daughter who moved back in, she works all day long and gets home later than Hubby does. I don't see her helping much, but we'll see.


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