Saturday, February 2, 2019

Somewhat Back to Normal

I've watched so many cooking shows, that I could have a meal plan for a year now.  I also watched lots of gardening shows, and I am so ready for spring - fresh herbs, fresh veggies, sunlight and hard work.  I also watched a fun show about poultry and poultry shows.  I saw some very unique chickens and ducks.

Speaking of chickens, my chickens are all okay, but I think I will invest in a cheap tent and bring them into my garage if we ever have emergency cold temps down the road.  I had many frozen eggs that didn't make it.  I can live with that.

Thanks to this polar vortex - finished set.


  1. I love watching You Tube cooking channels, I do learn so much and get a lot of ideas. Hope your deep freeze ends soon!

  2. Thanks Rain, we are currently warmed up to 28°F and no wind chill. I am so ready for it to be over with, but this could mean it will be an awesome garden year this year.

  3. Glad you survived the cold temps! I was busy praying for all of you that you would stay warm and your power and furnaces would keep going and then mine went out! It's fixed now and we don't have the bitter cold you had. Stay warm!
    Oh, I love your crocheted roses...beautiful!

  4. We luckily haven't had such cold temps. Down to 5F, two weeks ago few days -16F. It's been quite a long time since we had really really cold winter (1999 or 1998), and even then we had only temps down to -35F. Still it was cold. Our dog went outside only to do his deeds, max 5 min (pref. 2 mins for both). But we live in a very sheltered place, usually no wind. I imagine the wind factor is making everything so much worse!
    I hope polar vortex won't be making any more troubles and you can keep warm.

  5. Hi Kristina those coasters are so pretty well done on your beautiful work my friend and i have been watching the Konmarie way of cleaning on utube a very clever way of cleaning,hope you have a lovely day and keep warm xx

  6. Thrilled to hear you are all OK including the chickens. Sounds like you have made lots of plans for the better weather. I really enjoy planning out the garden, hopefully we will be able to get the work done. Love your crochet work, they are beautiful.


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