Friday, February 1, 2019

Better Prep ~ Writing Muse ~ Jesse

Hubby couldn't find his thick socks when the cold arrived, so I loaned him my thermal thick socks.  Later I found another pair - note to self - buy a few more pairs for next winter.  I also ground the coffee beans in advance, just in case the power went off.  

Something else I did - filled every bucket and pot with water just in case.  That way I can also hand wash Hubby's long underwear and socks for work - note to self - buy extra pairs of long underwear for the both of us.

We are running electric heat, along with the wood stove to prevent frozen pipes.  If we stay here, we'll be looking into alternatives to electric heat.  I'm not looking forward to getting the electric bill.

Recent breakfast (chocolate chip buttermilk waffles with real butter and real maple syrup, and organic bacon), but lacking eggs and potatoes.  I am conserving those ingredients for other meals during this cold blast, and saving the bacon grease for one of them.

While making breakfast, I suddenly got a surge of inspiration to write again (hasn't happened in a long, long time).  I literally dusted off my dinosaur of a laptop and tapped away.  boy it felt good.  The laptop is missing buttons and the one to open it is broken in half, but she works. and I know there is a book inside of my brain somewhere.  Not sure if the cold weather forcing me to stay in was my muse, or just knowing I can't go anywhere and I can really relax was.  I am grateful it returned.  

I spent most of my day curled up watching TV, crocheting, layered in two pairs of flannel PJ's.

I watched so many cooking shows, I hopped out of bed from my comfy zone and heated up the kitchen by baking coffee cake.  That was before we put a drizzle of whiskey butterscotch sauce on it.

I had heard that the USPS halted service, but not to our area code.  I had to layer up just to fetch it so the wind didn't blow it away.  I feel awful for the USPS people who have to work in this weather.  I can do without my mail for a few days.  And by the way, the only thing in my mailbox was a magazine.  All those layers for a magazine.  Sigh.

The most frustrating part of this weather is not so much dripping the faucets, it's taking the dog outside.  I don't know how any of you do this in colder temps.  It takes me so long to get Jesse's booties on, sweater, coat and scarf.  Without the booties, he'd get frostbite.  I keep praying they stay on until he's ready to come in, and so far so good, and thankful I have the booties.  They have rubber bottoms, so they are completely waterproof, but he slides all around on the ice.  Poor guy.
Friday we woke up to a windchill of -20 (temp -8) degrees.  We were lucky on Wednesday to only reach -28°F, considering predictions of possible -50°.  Windchill Thursday was -27°F. 

School is delayed today, as of now.  We are getting a bit of snow now.  Rain later in the week.  


  1. Hi Kristina wow it sure does sound cold your way,it's good you have your finger on the pulse and are very organised,well done for that. Your cake sounds very nice and boy those. Waffles and bacon look good,keep warm my friend and hope you have a lovely weekend xx

  2. Did that Bailey's go in your morning coffee? ;o)

    Our temps are finally warming up. Over night low of just -8F this morning and no wind. Yippee! Enough of this frigid stuff.

    We had no mail delivery on Wednesday but are now back to normal. I was just glad no one lost power (that we've heard of) because lack of electricity for heat would have been awful. Plus, I hate to think of the repair guys from the electric company having to go out in those wind chills of -50F.

    Here's hoping your writing muse stays close by!

  3. Mama Pea, yep that went right into the coffee, lol! Yeah, I'm glad no one lost power around here either. There were burst pipes in businesses and one mall. Sounds like you are warming up weather-wise. I'm so done with winter now, lol!

  4. Brr those temperatures are making me feel cold. Glad you got your mojo back for writing, long may that last. A day inside keeping warm and crafting sounds good as does that breakfast and coffee cake.

  5. Maybe there is an upside to this awful weather - I've gotten a kick in the pants by the creative urge, too. It's to be the only upside, though. I know what you mean about the dogs. When it's this brutal, I confine them to the back deck. No problem with Peanut - he's all about getting his business done and getting back inside. Lovey, however, is a problem. She doesn't think it's 'right' to go on the deck so I have to get one done and in, then back out to open the gate for Lovey. That only works if I don't watch her, LOL~!

  6. Susan, there has to be some positive moments of this right? Yeah, Jesse is used to wandering the pasture, so it's much harder for me to get him to do his business right outside and back in. And it doesn't help that he LOVES to eat snow, so it takes him longer to go.


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