Thursday, February 7, 2019

Rosemary Gladstar's Famous Face Cream ~ Tidbits

I've had this recipe on my "to-do" list for many months now.  First I had to infuse the oil.  The recipe is in this book, and so is the recipe for the Four Thieves Vinegar.  I have more recipes yet to try this year, so stay tuned for more updates as I get around to making them.

Winter has been harsh this year, and dry skin is an issue.  I even resorted to putting my calendula lotion on my face, it's been that harsh of a winter.

Step one - let the first ingredients cool and turn into a creamy mixture.

Step 2: Add next ingredients with a blender.  I have a hand blender I use specifically for lotions/creams. Recipe states it lasts up to a year, but I know it will be gone quickly.  It can be used for face or body.

I will continue to make my calendula cream too.  It's great for super dry winter skin like hands and feet.

I had a rather less hectic day in the kitchen, with only needing to make banana bread, and dinner prep.  Hubby requested I put chocolate chips in the banana bread this time.  Hemp seeds went in, in place of flax seeds this time.

It was time to drain my Four Thieves Vinegar too.  Only two more months of "flu" season, but I now make this to have on hand year round.

 During the stage of cooling in step 1 of the lotion, I decided to pull out a drawer and organize it (again).  We are moving from plastic to glass, but I haven't cleaned this out since our last daughter moved out.    As I went through the drawer, I went through the cupboard next to it to find containers to match with lids.  

I found no containers.  Hmpf.  The nice part of all of this cleaning?  I can find what I need and can now buy more glass containers with BPA free lids.  I have one more drawer to organize.  

The cabbage dinner didn't last long enough for a night of leftovers.   Hubby and Daughter loved it so much, they took the rest to work and school for lunch.  That meant I had to make dinner.  

Breakfast for dinner it was.  Fish is on the menu next.  I really miss eating a nice fresh radish or tomato or.....

I asked Hubby if he could build me a "she" shed.  I have determined I need one to crochet and knit away from eyes in the house.  Youngest caught me crocheting another sunflower keyfob and asked for one.  Every time she sees something new or cute, sigh....


  1. The only cream l use is Vanishing Cream...HeHe! :).
    No such thing..??? Oh! Yes! There is...
    Vanishing cream is a cream that vanishes...
    There is no sign of it on the skin after it
    has been applied. Vanishing creams are not
    just used because they are not apparent....
    Their use reaches out far beyond that for the
    benefit of the skin...So there..!

    AND..I happen to have a banana shaped tin, so..
    my banana bread comes out the shape of a..a..
    banana..! :).

    Never noticed before..if you remove the letter 'D'
    from the word get she..must be a joke there
    somewhere..can't think..! :o).

  2. I agree! This has been the driest winter I can remember. I long to soak in a vat of cream! My seeds came in the mail and I am going to be busy layout the garden this weekend. I can't wait! Let's hope we both have a good gardening year this year - you are due for one.

  3. Boy, you really got into cleaning out that cupboard! I'm contemplating doing some kitchen cleaning today. DEEP cleaning as you would say! Several cupboards/cabinets need it.

    I made Banana Bread not too long ago (three very ripe bananas on the counter) and forgot how good it is. (No chocolate chips in it to spoil the yummy banana flavor though. Can you tell I'm not a chocolate freak?) Must make it more often.

  4. Mama Pea, boy did the need cleaning. Hubby insisted on adding chocolate chips, but it was still good.

  5. Yes, Susan, I can feel it in my bones - good garden year this year.

  6. The banana bread looks good, I like to add seeds but not a fan of chocolate in it. I am going on to Amazon next to see if I can get the book, it certainly looks interesting.

  7. mamasmercantile, there are many recipes in the book. Yeah, Hubby insisted I add the chocolate chips. They are great in strawberry muffins, but it did taste good.

  8. I have dry skin all the time so the idea of the cream sounds really good to me.

  9. Leigh, I love the lotion and all the recipes I've tried in the book too.


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