Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Feels Like Spring ~ Rain, rain and more rain

When we returned from our ride on the Harley the other day, Hubby took a nap.  A well deserved nap.  He snored so loud that Jesse popped his head up in alert, ha ha!  I let him sleep as long as he needed.

A ride on our "sanity saver" always replenishes my energy.  

I made homemade sausage and homemade meatballs (recipe at Lazy J Bar C blogspot).  

Laundry soap got made.  I still have some of our homemade goat's milk soap too. 

Youngest Daughter is competing in regional contest this month for Cosmetology.  It's a speech contest, timed without notes on a certain subject.  We are not able to watch the contest, but we can attend the awards ceremony. She needs black dress shoes, and while (ha ha!  This is sort of funny since I'm mostly in muck boots/work boots etc) I was scrolling through stores online, I saw a pair that I liked and remembered I had a pair!  I ran into the closet and low and behold found them.  The nice thing about shoes here, is that her and I wear the same size 11.  I hope they fit her so I don't have to buy a pair.

Dinner prep involved a cabbage, potatoes and sausage.  It's raining this morning, and more is on the way.


  1. It's raining here today too. It rained yesterday and it is to rain most of the day today. We have enough mud to give mud baths to everyone in the US and never run out. Makes for a nasty trip to feed and care for animals.

  2. Carol, that's the way it is here. It's a swamp to walk to the barn to care for the chickens. Weather is super crazy this year.

  3. Its raining here too and another coincidence we are having sausage for dinner too.

  4. Ha, mamasmercantile, that is funny. On both accounts.


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