Friday, February 8, 2019

Tea bag Tidbits

In lieu of watching the mail lady (to avoid someone possibly stealing it), I decided to plant myself in an area I can see better, and get some insurance points out of the way (at the same time) before garden season.  These videos we have to watch are sooooo boring.  Financial ones are superdity duperity boring.

I earned this sign on the porch for a reason, ha ha!  There has been some questionable activity, but nothing to do anything about.  Maybe they have noticed I'm watching them now?

I'm glad I am remembering to get these points out of the way.  I'm always in a rush come fall to get them in before the end of the year.  I'm cheering Hubby on too.  Pre-planning has worked out great.  Plus, it's a perfect way to sit and watch for the mail (and possible activity).

I made these yesterday.  They'll be gifted to my step-daughter, who is expecting a boy in late April.  Yep, we'll be grandparents again for a 3rd time.

We've been getting an onslaught of rain, fog and now dipping in temperature.  I told Hubby I'm so glad we are including probiotic foods in the menu, but now they want pancakes and sausage for dinner.  I wanted fish.  Hmpf.  I guess fish will wait another day.  By the way we hit an all time record of 60° yesterday, and we are back to 22°F at 6am.  Yeah, just making sure those probiotics and physical activity are getting in my day.  The treadmill has been great to have this winter.

The windchill is 4°F this morning, and the weather is crazy.  Yesterday I noticed my daffodils coming up.

I had to laugh the other day when Daughter came home from school.  She was giving us a speech on misconceptions regarding hair and hair growth, and nail growth.  Yes, I already knew prenatal vitamins do not do that job, but it was interesting to her what they are learning, but do not know about natural remedies.  

Maybe I can teach her a thing or two?  She also pulled out one of my hairs on my head (ouch) and examined it for elasticity and health.  Glad to be a "guinea pig" for her, but I am already working on mine being back to normal.  I'm still drinking my tea, eating the right foods, using my hair oil and hair tonic etc.


  1. Those crazy fluctuations in your temperatures can't be good for man nor beast . . . nor emerging plants! I really don't think it's good for the human body but what can we do? Try to stay healthy as you do using those good, old-fashioned, natural remedies and preventatives. Wouldn't it be interesting (and maybe eye-opening) for you to go to your daughter's classes and present some of the more natural ways of dealing with specific areas? The school probably wouldn't permit it, but there's more than one kind of education!

  2. Mama Pea, ha, I bet her school would say no due to a book they use as a guide for teaching them. It would be fun though. Yeah, I am back to hibernating today and it's so crazy to have the temp change that fast. Thankfully, we only got a short dusting of snow this morning. Winds were up to 50mph last night and today around 30 mph.

  3. Those fluctuating temperatures are a little scary. Glad to read no more mail theft.


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