Monday, February 18, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  Oldest Daughter brought Mia for a day so she could go snow boarding with friends.  She ended up staying the night due to her falling and hitting her head and the lateness of her return.  She plopped an ice pack on her head and relaxed.  

Sunday morning we had another relaxing day other than doing dishes.  I literally hung out in my PJ's until the mood hit me.  Guess what?  I found more beets in my freezer - waahhooo!  So happy to find them.  Who knows what else I will dig out as we empty it throughout the winter and spring.

On the breakfast plate. . .
Hubby made this for breakfast for all of us yesterday morning.  Yum.  Candy apple jelly on the toast too.  We both got a chuckle Sunday morning.  Oldest stayed the night, and the girls usually sleep in very late.  Both were up by 9am, with the smell of bacon and coffee in the air.

Today's breakfast?
I'm getting spoiled by Hubby's breakfast creations.  Mmm good.

The weather outside . . .
Snowing and cold.

Right now I am. . .
Still in my PJ's and loving it.

Thinking . . .
I'm thinking the people running the school musical are very thoughtless to make the kids drive in the weather today, for a rehearsal.  There are reports of flipped over cars, cars in ditches, semi's jack knifed, and more.  Roads are slick and they still haven't canceled it.  I think this is just wrong putting young kids in danger.

Reading. . .
Nothing right now, but library crafting books

On the TV . . .
Library movie - Ocean's 8

On the menu . . .
Monday: Sheet pan dinner, smoked sausage, potato, carrots etc.
Tues: Baked flounder, home canned corn relish, green beans
Wed: Chili (never made it last week), corn bread
Thurs: Meatballs with homemade mushroom sauce, quinoa and beets
Fri:  leftovers
Sat and Sunday?  Who knows yet. Possibly creamed peas and toast.

On the to-do list . . .
-sweep and mop kitchen
-clean master bath
-vacuum carpets
-make 4 thieves vinegar
-make nettle hair tonic
-clean bedroom
-fold dried towels

What I am creating . . .

A baby blanket.

Recipe I tried. . .
Thanks to Susan, I was able to try this new recipe.  Super easy to make, but it takes ingredients that most people may not have on hand.  If you eat healthy and from scratch you will have the ingredients.  With vegetarians in the family, we have nutritional yeast on hand too.  The recipe is online - Super Savoury Veggie Millet and Hemp Nuggets with a cashew butter/maple syrup/garlic dip.  It was very good and I will be sure to make this again.  I have many more new recipes to try too.

From the camera . . .
 The snow is beautiful, but very dangerous to be out in today.

Praying . . .
Us and the kids


  1. I'm just enjoying two repeat episodes of..
    Bizarre Foods America..They were made back
    in 2011..did'nt miss an episode then..not
    missing an episode now..! One of my ALL
    time favourite programs..Andrew Zimmern
    must have the bestest job ever..Muskrat..!
    Porcupine! Buffalo Testicles..! Yummy! :).

    Hows it go now......
    Oh, say! can you see by the dawn's early light
    What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming;
    Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
    O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
    And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
    Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there:
    Oh, say! does that star-spangled banner yet wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

  2. Willie, that food episode sounds very interesting.

  3. It made me chuckle when you mentioned your oldest and the girls waking up early with the smell of bacon. My kids don't usually eat breakfast either but if they smell bacon, they're up too LOL

    I never understand some schools and businesses making people go in with horrible weather like that, it's just so dangerous.

    Hope you have a wonderful week :)

  4. We are both blessed... my hubs made me breakfast too!!! Have a great week!!!!

  5. Could I just invite myself over to your house for breakfast? Looks delicious! My husband's grandpa used to make jellies including apple (my favorite). Hope everyone stays safe in the snowy weather. Have a wonderful week!

  6. The vegetarian nuggets look very good. I like the idea of pan sheet cooking too. I agree they should cancel when the roads are slick, why risk putting people in danger. The closed work the other day AFTER we were there, people had to leave in the worst of it... one of the guys had an accident... what purpose did it serve to close AFTER people are there? It had been a snowstorm all night, might as well close early so people don't even try to get in. Hope you have a great week

  7. The baby blanket is beautiful. Isn't it fun to have family around you and enjoy a day in your pjs?

  8. I like beets and would be excited to find some in my freezer, too. Unfortunately, all I've got left in mine is a whole lot of zucchini! LOL! What a beautiful baby blanket! Your handcrafts are always so pretty! Have a blessed week ahead, my friend! <3

  9. Mmmmm that french toast looks so yummy!! Love the baby afghan! Have a great week!

  10. Sandra, it was pretty funny to see the girls up so early.

  11. Thanks Jean, we do love our home canned jellies and jams

  12. Luludou, the county has levels they announce and we had a level 1, which means road were hazardous and the school still expected the kids to drive. Terrible.

  13. mamasmercantile, it was very nice to have them home for sure.


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