Sunday, February 17, 2019


Speaking of long waits, the line at Basspro yesterday was horribly long.  They finally opened new registers, but even those lines filled quickly.  The store was packed full of people

After a long exhausting Friday, we let Youngest Daughter sleep in.  Hubby made us french toast and bacon for breakfast.

We had no plans on Saturday, but to make a quick trip into our own little town.  We went to the post office, library, dropped off my Tupperware to be replaced, and visited the gas station.

Back home, we took care of the animals, did the dishes, laundry and stoked the fire.  Then we relaxed the rest of the day.  It was a pretty chilly day.


  1. I feel like that is our day today. I don't have any big plans. I did not feel like going to church today. I am hoping it can be a lazy day. I have some food prep that I would like to do and I might make a cake.

  2. We tried to get into town yesterday, but it just didn't work out. So, got up early today and made it in early before the after church crowd inundated the stores and cafes.

    Like you, I'm trying to take the rest of the day off.

  3. Carol, I think I may try to bake a pie this coming week. Stuck inside again.

  4. Harry, the cafes are pretty busy around here too. We are snowed in today (Monday)


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