Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Tuesday Tidbits

What's on the breakfast plate this morning?

Cauliflower/potato/pea frittata with dandelion greens and other garden goodies.  It was my turn to spoil Hubby and Daughter.  That, and a side of toast with homemade pumpkin butter made with our pumpkins.

Diagnosis for Youngest Daughter? She didn't have strep, but a cold.  She's being dosed with elderberry elixir, and she even took the 4 thieves vinegar.  She is exhausted to the max, and we even convinced her to stay home from rehearsal yesterday.  She is downright worn out from school and rehearsal.  She may drop out, due to it infringing on her sleep, rest and health.  She's taking difficult classes related to math and science and has much homework too.

We are not sure of her decision to drop the musical, but we've shown her our support.  Her health is more important than the musical, and it is truly wearing her down badly.  She can still try out next year if she wants to.

Thanks to watching some cooking shows (again), I have more recipes to try.  It'll require a trip to the grocery store though.  Next week, you may see some updates on those.  I have this week planned out already.

As for the daughter who asked to move back in?  She reneged in the move and decided to stay with her boyfriend.  We are all disappointed.  This guy is the worst guy ever, no job, no car, no license and a user.  We realize she feels she is in love with him, but for the entire family not liking him?  This speaks.  As parents we can only do so much, but it's one of those situations where you wish you could drive there, pull her out, wiggle the shame on you finger to him and save her from being used and lied to.  Parenting is such a difficult job.  She is 21, but still we worry and have that natural instinct to protect.

As for our oldest?  She finally landed her own apartment that will allow large dogs.  She moves in this week.  So proud of her getting into another college as well.  Now I need to wash all my blankets in the living room - white dog hair everywhere after watching her dog.

There may be good news regarding union negotiations.  The employees voted no on the new contract.  This could be good.  The new contract had regarded to concessions, meaning they wanted to take away from them vs. offer new and better deals.

Not sure what's even on my agenda for the day.  Oddly.  The weather looks pretty good, so I hope we get a warm up soon.


  1. Goodness! I have a read through your posts..
    AND..Hope it does'nt get any worse..Oh! Dear!
    Never mind.."Onwards and Upwards"..

    I have sent ya a link to Bizarre Foods America..
    Just the one episode, watched a program yesterday,
    Andrew was in Alaska..Amazing..I think most of the
    episodes are on line..
    Here's a link..re Wisconsin State Fair..if anyone
    else would like to watch it...


  2. I feel for you - it is so difficult to watch someone you love in a bad relationship. You can only hope that she realizes she has better options. Yay for the union! Let's hope they can negotiate a fair contract that does NOT include concessions.

  3. Susan, it is very hard to see her in the relationship and stay in it. Yes, we are hoping for good things to happen with the contract.

  4. All you can do is let her know that you are all their for her. Such a shame to see them in a relationship that you know will end in tears but you have to love them enough to let them make their own mistakes. Hope all goes well with the negotiations with the Union.

  5. My daughter is 32 now, and went through some bad boyfriends, I know the drill. She's settled down and doing well now. I guess it's just part of "courting"these days.

  6. Thanks mamasmercantile and Harry, I do hope that she moves on soon, as the relationship she is in is pretty toxic. I just think the more we tell her he's bad news, the more she'll want to stay. We just tell her we love her and don't want to see her get hurt. Here's hoping she finds the right guy.


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