Thursday, January 31, 2019

Crock-pot Beef Burgundy with Homemade Noodles

Although we love Beef Stroganoff, we love beef burgundy with homemade noodles and mashed potatoes as well.  Here is my recipe (all organic ingredients or home grown and homemade ingredients):

First:  Thaw a quart of homemade onion soup from the freezer.  To make the soup, see the blue ball book for the recipe.  I make this when onions are harvested, and I use a mandolin to slice all of my onions.  This soup comes in handy to use for a soup start as well, for corn chowder and other dishes.

Add the quart of soup to the crock pot, and add the following:

2 lbs. of stewing beef, cubed and tossed with 1 Tbsp or so of flour
1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms, sliced*
1 tsp. salt*
1/2 tsp. marjoram, dried
1/2 tsp. thyme, dried
black pepper to taste
1 1/2 cups burgundy wine
*(Salt if your soup hasn't been salted)

Cover.  Cook 8-10 hours on low.

I like to thicken this a bit with arrowroot powder, but it's up to you really.

I boil my homemade noodles, drain them and simply toss them into the crock-pot just before serving.   I have also found non-gmo/organic noodles at our grocery store.

We serve it over mashed potatoes (3 lb. of organic white, with 1/2 cup homemade yogurt, 1-2 minced cloves of fresh garlic, and salt).

*for mushrooms, if you don't have fresh on hand, you could use 2-3 cans of organic mushrooms, drained, or re-hydrate some dehydrated mushrooms as well.

Our beef was very tender.  The photo is store bought noodles for this meal.  I use homemade noodles more often than not, but Non-GMO/organic noodles are available in most stores now.  I really need to restock my noodles.


  1. Being a pasta lover, that plate looks mighty good. Must make some pasta dishes soon!

    For years, I've used arrowroot powder in place of all cornstarch. Commercially available cornstarch is made with GMO corn. Recently I've noticed organic (non-GMO) cornstarch on our Co-op shelves but I've gotten so used to using arrowroot powder that I haven't switched.

  2. Mama Pea, I have to get either one at health stores. Our regular stores do not carry nongmo cornstarch. I am a pasta lover too.

  3. Sounds and looks delicious. This cold weather makes a person want to cook and eat....lots! Got to keep burning those calories to stay warm! LOL! I love your new header!

  4. It looks very delicious, I should try the recipe, for sure

  5. This looks really good-tha k you for sharing the recipe!

  6. You are welcome Sandra. It was very good too.


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