Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sick Cat ~ Wood Cuttin' Day ~ Snow Rolling In

Tiger is sick again, so that was on the list of to-do's.  We got him to the vet in the morning Saturday.  Thankfully, the family get together was cancelled.  That freed up our morning to cut more, much needed wood.

I'll admit we laughed our way through it.  Layered in 5 layers of clothes, wind blowing and almost getting the truck stuck....we laughed and laughed.  What idiots we were for not cutting more wood over summer (again, he does this year after year).  Then again, he was a pretty depressed man after losing two nephews.  I gave him a pass.  Next summer we'll hit it hard.  By the way, I much rather prefer dry sawdust than sogging sawdust that sticks to everything.  It was everywhere.

After we cut wood we pretty much hunkered in.  We parked the car at the front of the drive, and thankfully we did.  Hubby has to work this morning and the drifts behind the car are 3-5 feet high.  The snow plow has buried the end of the drive and most likely the mailbox.

I was up at 3:42am precisely.  I had to check water pipes and the fire.  I got both going and opened cupboard doors.  I also heard our barn cat Aurora crying on the front porch and brought her inside.  It's gonna be way below 0° and there is no way she'll find a warm place.  I just hope the chickens do well with their heat lamp.  So far, the power is on and the hot water flows.  We are just waiting for family to plow us out.  Behind the car anyway.  The truck is buried.


  1. I must confess! I pick up your Posts from Henny's
    Blog...And when reading it through, my emotions
    go up and down..Like to~day..seems your going through
    a tough time, and you tell it like it is..Brilliant!

    Wish l still knew a lot more people in television...
    Your posts etc..could be made into 'soap opera' or
    some kind of TV series..Even the title sounds good..!

    HeHe! Sorry! I'm waffling again..Been busy this morning,
    pheasants to see to, cooking a few things for the coming
    week..and so on..Settle down for a bit footy, this afternoon.

    And last night l watched 4 repeats of Bizarre American Foods,
    with Andrew Zimmern..Brilliant..loved it..Guinea pig burgers..
    Deep fried snapping turtle..what more would one want...! :o).

  2. Ha ha! Thanks for the laugh Willie. My life sort feels like a TV show some days.

  3. After reading your post I decided it was in my best interest to cease whining about our piddly -6 degree F temp this morning. Good Lord, are getting hammered, aren't you! Try to stay warm and I really hope you get dug out sometime before Spring!!

  4. I can't even imagine those temperatures and thankfully we can always measure our snowfall in inches never feet. Glad to read you managed to get some wood cut, hopefully this will help and the pipes won't freeze. Take care.


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