Monday, January 21, 2019

Frigid Temps ~ Cooking up a "Storm" in the Storm ~ Doggie Maze

I told Hubby it's gonna take a back hoe or bulldozer to clean my coop when the weather clears up.  I just keep tossing in new straw for now. 

I'm pretty sore from cutting wood Saturday.  We cut large barn beams in pieces, loaded them up and cut them.  Then loaded them to them to the house.  Heavy stuff, but burns and heats great.  My knee is just feeling it though.

Here are some snow pictures from yesterday:

The snow drifted from 2-4 feet all across our driveway.
I sent ham, rolls and cheese for Hubby Saturday, and the guys working with him too.  I'm sure they needed it working in the brisk wind and cold.  By 8am, we got up to 4°F. 

I literally had several drifts to trudge through to get to the barn and take the dog out.

Just to get Jesse to a flat spot, we had to go through many drifts and way out of the way.  We only lost one bootie that trip out.  His Mom didn't send his scarf, so I may crochet one.

Since I baked that ham, I whipped up a pan of scalloped potatoes and ham and carrots.

I also baked cheesy potatoes, roasted brussel sprouts and corn casserole.  Hubby had to work such a long shift I wanted to be sure he had an awesome lunch today.  He was so tired this morning.  Combine a full 6a-12a shift with working outside in this cold - you get full blown exhausted.

I also brought in a bunch of wood when it was 10°F, so I would get it inside during the warmest time of day in the next two days.

It's a frigid -9°F (wind chill -22°F) this morning, and our pole light is not on (a signal is too cold to step outside).  We are still not plowed out yet as of today.  I am hoping we find someone so Jesse will do his business and Hubby can pull the car all the way into the drive.  Jesse is so confused.  It's like a maze out there to get him to an area large enough for him to do his business, and at these temps he's gotta do it fast or deal with his booties.  He hates me putting them on, but will walk with them.

Tiger is getting along with barn cat Aurora though.  I couldn't believe how long she spent at the water bowl.  At these temps the animals can't find water.  We keep water and food outside, but she has been one thirsty cat.  I'm just glad I found her to bring her inside.  Speaking of inside, a mouse joined us.

Tiger has been on mouse alert, and hanging out where I saw it last.  I wouldn't be surprised if he caught it.  

I'm tempted to stay in PJ's all day, but I need more layers to take care of the chicks and Stud Muffin Sparta.  I'm taking a pry bar just in case my barn door is froze shut.  I hope this nasty winter means a full blown, awesome garden year.

Oh and yeah, our pipes are froze.  I had them dripping, cupboards open, but the wind was just too much for this farm house.  Since I can't clean etc.  I guess I'll be crocheting, binge watching netflix and relaxing all day long.  Don't be jealous now.


  1. Staying safe and warm has to be high on the list for all of your family. Looks as though you had a lot of drifting which makes matters worse. Do you have a regular snow plow guy who comes to plow you out, or don't you usually get that much snow of a winter. Do you have a warm up in the forecast? After our two days of frigid weather, we have 12 above this morning which seem warm in comparison!

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your frozen pipes. We have rain rain and more rain here at the moment making it grey and miserable. I may join you with a little crochet and a film.

  3. Mama Pea, we have a wheel horse, but it would take forever to use in this case, and Hubby hasn't had time to fire it up and make sure it's ready to work this year. We have been in contact with Hubby's nephew to plow us out, but that was 2 hours ago, and he's still not here. The roads are pretty icy and in bad condition right now. We are to warm up by tomorrow night, but then we get freezing rain. Just can't win this year ha ha!

  4. mamasmercantile, yeah, frozen pipes are no fun, and typically don't happen. The wind was horrible and of course temps combined it was just a bad combo.

  5. Oh, Jesse in his little boots! He is adorable, sweet old boy. My pipes froze, too, even with all the precautions. Sometimes, you just have to go with the flow. I am looking forward to the warming up over the next few days - until the colding down this weekend.

  6. Susan, we are to get another blast of cold next weekend too. Ugh.


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