Saturday, January 19, 2019

Storm Updates and other tidbits

We will still have heat if the power goes out this weekend.  So glad I invested in the eco-fan.  Temps will be plummeting.

We are praying the power stays on.  We also stocked up on lamp oil.  Both are low.  Just in case.  We also have a few places we can rent generators from if needed.

The wind is going strong this morning.  No snow yet, but today is the day we get it.

While everyone is raiding the grocery store for bread,  milk and eggs, we are planning which day and when we'll cut more wood, checking our battery supply, filling more water jugs, double checking chicken feed, pet food and what not.  And baking bread.

Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom mentioned sharing our morning routine.  It varies with me from season to season.

Right now I rise about 5:30am, let the dog out, stoke the fire and start the coffee.   I make sure Daughter is up, get Hubby's coffee poured into his thermos, pack his lunch and watch for the bus.  Some mornings I make them both breakfast burritos, and Hubby's wrapped up for the road.

When the bus arrives I feed the dog and let him out one more time before showering (or working out then showering), and start the day.  I also make the bed and tidy up.

It typically starts with laundry (winter routine), while I wash dishes from the night before.  I do not own a dish drying rack.  I have no space, and towels work great.  I just dry them by the wood stove.  I typically do them in the morning because we get little time together with it being dark early.  Then it's out to the chickens and taking care of them.

It all depends on if there is a crock pot meal on the menu for the day as well.  Those typically get started early in the morning too.

I get my handy notebook out and look over my list of to-do's of things I want to make or do (outside of chores), and my notebook for my own recipes.  I am writing down one I made recently that Hubby raved over.  Speaking of journals (not to get off the subject), I am a journal junkie - one for just about anything including wine tasting, a garden journal, and lots more.  Journaling has been in my blood since childhood and I LOVE writing.  Daughter has that bug too.  She loves to write and journal as well.

I also have a magnetic notebook (pad of paper with a magnet on the back) that lists other things to make.  Some days is homemade mushroom soups to freeze, some things to dehydrate, items to can in winter and salves/tinctures/lotions that need made.

After that, it just depends.  Yesterday I made more dirty dishes early, by making cookies.  German chocolate.  I also baked a 10# ham to prepare for meals while snowed in too.  I'm thinking scalloped potatoes and ham, ham sliders on homemade rolls, ham and bean soup with cornbread, ham/pea pasta, ham for breakfast (possibly a scramble), ham and greens quiche....they all sound good.

How did these cookies taste?   Fantastic!   They however do not look anything like the photo that is on the recipe site.  I didn't care they were light and delicious.  Everyone needs a good dose of healthy coconut too.  And pecans.   I wanted to try this recipe for Christmas, but didn't get the chance.  Quite honestly, I forgot about it.  It's online and NY Times recipe.  I toasted the coconut at 325° for about 5 minutes prior to mixing all the ingredients.  Of course I used organic and homemade vanilla.  Speaking of vanilla, that is on my list - get out jar and refill the jars.  Along with making a jar of "Full Throttle" herb/spice mix.

This was me at 3pm yesterday - PJ's, crochet, a glass of wine, a dog at my feet, and Judge Judy.  Hubby worked over so I relaxed.

Friday was a "calm before the storm" sort of day - warmer, no wind, no rain or snow, and cloudy.  We have a big day Saturday, so here's praying we get it done before the wind and snow gets too bad.  


  1. Love the shot of you at 3 p.m. yesterday! There are many days I wish I could do that, but know if I did I'd have to get dressed to go outside for something again and/or someone would show up at the door. Besides that, after a lovely glass of wine I probably wouldn't be able to make dinner! ;o] But kudos to you for creating such a comfy atmosphere for yourself.

  2. Mama Pea, I had a ham cooking in the oven, and I only had to get it back out and cut it off the bone. I have had to dress again on days I've done that though, ha ha!

  3. Hopefully you won't get too much snow and you will be able to retain power. Sounds like you are prepared for every eventuality anyway. Those chocolate cookies look and sound delicious. Stay warm.

  4. I love that shot too - how to relax PROPERLY!! I hope that you stay safe in the coming storm, and hoping it's not as bad as the weather pundits have threatened. Worst for 2 years doesn't sound good though.

    I bake our own bread here too, and always keep a good store cupboard "just in case" as here in Wales we often get heavy rain and flooding, and it can get pretty bad at times.

    I LOVE your heart dishclothes!

    Keep safe, and warm.

  5. Well, I'll tell you, after we had that below zero Polar Vorex, I have been giving alot of thought as to what we would do if there were no power. I've been stocking up on canned goods, I'm going to get a oil lamp, flashlights only last so long. Make sure we have charcoal or a cook stove to make a meal. I've gotten complacent over the years, and that got me to be uncomfortable enough to change what we do. I bake bread but it doesn't last long, I need to make some and freeze it. It is good to be prepared for as much as you are able tp, water, etc...


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