Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Plowed Out ~ . . .from the handiwork journal

We have been plowed out, pipes thawed, and now freezing rain is rolling in.  I have definitely given myself "me" time during this after storm time.

....started a set of red hot pads and XL hot pad

....finished these bookmarks

....started a rug with scraps of cotton yarn and that cone of yarn I bought that is not all cotton.

....finished this set of cup coasters new crochet hook arrived, so I'm about to start a new project.

My routine is back with a mountain of dishes to wash.  The weather is more than crazy.  We just plowed and now it's strange to see so much rain.  School is delayed.   The driveway is a sheet of ice right now.  How is your weather?


  1. This is the weather headlines over here...
    'UK weather forecast: SHOCK chart shows snow
    to hit LONDON as THUNDERSNOW grips UK'....

    Though looking out over my PC and through
    the Paddington Bear curtains..the sun is out
    in ALL it's glory, and quite warm..though it's
    bad up in the midlands and further North..! :(.

    Don't take a lot of notice re weather forecasts..
    If l wanna know what the weathers like..I look
    out the window..Period! :).

  2. We got snow and now it's raining but no power outages so we're good! I love all your crocheted items. I wish you'd share your patterns or where you get them. You always have such cute items and you are really good crocheter!

  3. Here in Minnesota we have 20 degree temps, falling tonight into the single digits with winds predicted up to 45 mph, giving us wind chill of -25. Mother nature is definitely off her meds. :)

  4. Willie, I agree to just look outside. I can typically tell, but this weather is absolutely nuts.

  5. Sam I Am, I will gather the books the patterns are in. The pot holders are my own pattern. Thank you.

  6. Got 4-5" of fluffy, new snow yesterday. Temps are up into the teens which feels absolutely warm! High winds forecast for tonight which aren't good. Winter time, winter time. What will we all get next? But no rain to make more ice, so that's good. Hope yours turns warm enough that there's no more ice build up.

  7. We are bracing for the rain, starting this evening as icy sleety stuff and developing into a full blown rain storm. Good god. Do you have Yak-traks? Best investment I ever made. I can't get across the chicken yard without them. I love the red on that first project - it's so... red!

  8. The bookmarks are fabulous Kristina. Oh the weather, well it's still well below zero here, snowing. But at least the arctic freeze is over, the dogs are pooping again lol! :)

  9. I think maybe the weather is nuts everywhere lately! We've just had two days with temps in the low it was 62 degrees. Now we have more rain coming in, with maybe a rumble of thunder followed by another cold front. It's up and down. I love all the pretty things you've made. How do you make a rug? Is it crocheted?

  10. You made lots of progress with your needlework, not bad to have a couple of days to rest and enjoy
    needlecraft while is freezing cold outside.
    The weather is definitely unpredictable, from temperatures in the upper teens and low 20's...
    to 60 and rainy tonight :-/.


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