Monday, December 10, 2018

Monday Teabag Tidbits

Sunday morning we gathered for breakfast with Hubby's family.  It's a tradition every now and then for someone to host.  We eat, talk, mingle and enjoy time with the family.

We were all exhausted, so we had only one plan, or should I say two?  We drove to the orchard and restocked my cinnamon sticks, and sorghum, but I still need honey in a bad way.  They wanted $14.00 for a little bear, and we've gotten a 1/2 gallon for that price.  Hmpf.

We also needed to pick up straw.  We made arrangements for a family member to order it along with his hay for his horse.  Hubby drove out and low and behold - no straw.  Another hmpf.  He paid, re-ordered, and will pick up another day.  

The rest of the Sunday?  Relax.  

It's a brisk 22°F here today, and they say we'll not see the sunshine.

I do believe it's time to get back to cleaning up, organizing, and getting this house ready for Christmas.  I still need to put more ornaments on one Christmas tree.

Our new ornament on our blue tree.  A long time couple, we stayed friends with, from our workplace (where I met Hubby), gifted us this.  Love it!  

One of the kiddos came out with her boyfriend, for a visit. 

I've gotten some word of mouth orders, through having participated in the last craft show.  I've sold a necklace, two scarves, a hat, and now possibly two ornaments.  I'm pretty happy with our progress this winter.

On a last note, we lost "Annie" yesterday.  My auracana that had broken her leg.  Such a sad day for us, but part of homesteading too.   


  1. So sorry about your hen. Isn't it interesting how different items sold at different craft shows? Were they in different parts of your area? I can't believe you didn't sell out of the camper ornaments, as they are the cutest!

  2. So sorry to hear about "Annie", I suppose it it something that we need to get used to. Thrilled to hear you managed to sell some more of your wares.

  3. Susan thanks. I too was shocked at the slow show. The same day they had "Shipshawana on the road" at the fair grounds, a handmade boutique event downtown, and a craft show at another location too. The one at the fair grounds took most of the customers.

  4. I'm sorry about Annie, Kristina. Of course, that's the part of homesteading that I hate, but it's reality. If only I could live in my fantasy world lol...never gonna happen! Congrats on the word of mouth orders and I love that ornament!!

  5. mamasmercantile, it is nice to have a few more sold after a show too. Thanks. It's not always easy to deal with animals and death, but part of raising them too.


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