Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Tuesday Tidbits

We literally went through 3 pots of coffee before Hubby was off to work and Daughter off to school.  Hubby asked me not to decorate the tree, and wait for him to get home.  He wanted to do it as a family.  He hates Mondays, so I was skeptical.

Breakfast scramble this week - sweet potato/potato/bacon and swiss chard.

The lights blink slow then fast.  Battery operated.  Just love these new additions to our Christmas this year.


  1. Those decorations are so cute! I hope you got your tree decorated....I'm still 'making' to get stuff in the mail on time. Your scramble looks tasty!

  2. Thanks Sam I Am, I love waking up to only heating my breakfast, and scrambles are great for that. We love the camper and truck lights. They are my "centerpieces" for the upcoming Christmas and New Years.


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