Sunday, December 9, 2018

Sunday Wrap Up ~ Elixir Inquiry ~ Tidbits

I succeeded in restocking all of these for a craft show yesterday.  They were the hot sellers in the previous show, and sold out of all the camper ornaments and scrubbies, and most of the headbands.   This last show?  Well not one camper or headband sold, but I sold other items.  As well as an opportunity (would be my second location) to sell my soap saver bags on consignment with a local business.  I made one outside sale, possible two more as well.  So all in all, a pretty good December.  However, I am whooped.  Tired.  Worn out.  Looking forward to the rest of the month off and enjoying family and friends.

Question:  Does anyone have a recipe for elderberry elixir?  I have lost mine.

We woke up to a brisk 15°F.  Our pole light would not even come on, it's that cold right now.  Of course I woke to no wood on the hearth, so once I got that job done, it was coffee time.  I was up at 4:30am.  Not sure why I can't sleep, so I'm going to down some Valerian tea tonight.

My hen is in isolation now.  She has a new splint, and is by herself in the "emergency" coop.  She is eating and drinking, so hopefully over time she'll heal up like Sparta did when he broke his leg.  I have no idea how she did it, but glad my daughter was out to help the other day.


  1. Ere Ya Goooooooooo! No Charge...! :).

    Put a loose 1Kg of elderberries in a pan with a cupful of water and simmer until they have released most of their juices....
    Crush and strain the berries through a sieve....
    Put the juice back in a saucepan with the cloves cinnamon, grated ginger root and sugar....
    Simmer for another 30mins on low heat...
    Strain and then store in tightly sealed sterilised bottles...
    Store in the fridge for up to two weeks...
    "Mary Christmas"...

  2. Hi Kristina :) I hope your hen recovers soon, poor thing...I LOVE those camper ornaments, they're so cute!! My busy cooking/baking season has just begun, I'm very excited about the holidays!!

  3. Congratulations on finding another outlet for your soap savers.

  4. Thank you Rain. I will be looking through my patterns for more cute fun too.


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