Monday, December 17, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

I am joining Sandra at Diary of a stay at home Mom for today's "Happy Homemaker Monday."  I am blessing you all with 2 posts today.  Why?  Well, I need a list to stay accountable for (sigh).  I'm puttering around early, growling like an 'ol grizzly bear, looking at all the things I need to do before next Saturday.  We had a pretty busy weekend, so my list is loooooooooooong.  Oh my, so long...grrr.  I am reaching down inside my soul for some uppity positive mojo to get things done.

Last night my husband surprised me by making dinner.  He's not the foodie type, but lately has gone nut-so.  He cooked us steaks with fresh mushroom gravy, and mashed potatoes, and it was fantastic.

Mushrooms are a good source of B vitamins, copper, potassium, vitamin D, and other good stuff.  I love to toss these in casseroles, soups, stews, and gravies.

On the breakfast plate. . . .
Two farm fresh eggs over easy, toast with home canned wild violet jelly, and lots and lots of coffee.

The weather outside . . .
Cold, but we should see some sun this morning for a short time.

Looking around the house . . .
Like I said, I gotta quit growling like a grizzly bear and just turn on some fun music, and dance my way through this week. Lots and lots to clean up and get ready.

Right now I am . . . 
Getting ready to start dishes, while waiting on the washing machine.

On the to-do list (week long list) . . .
-laundry (already started)
-wash bedding
-wash last nights dishes
-unload and reload the dishwasher
-thaw chicken for marinating 
-thaw chicken for the dog
-put pork chops in the crocky
-thaw corn
-can jelly
-wash dishes again
-infuse herbal tea
-clean off large table and put a new tablecloth on it
-bring in wood
-spot clean carpets (again due to a sick cat)
-start elderberry elixir
-dehydrate organic mushrooms I got a great deal on
-start baking/making Christmas cookies and candies
-continue working on handmade gifts
-clean up bedroom
-clean up utility room
-clean up hearth
-take books back to the library/do a pick up also
-sweep of front porch
-wash the curtain I never got around to wash yet
-wipe down one window
-sweep/vacuum and mop
-clean bathrooms
-wipe down any cobwebs
-tidy up office area
-write out shopping list for the last of the last before the party

Household tip . . .
You'll have to bigify to read, but as I was looking up the temp to dehydrate my mushrooms (rehydrates great), I came across this page (what rehydrates poorly).

Currently reading. . .
Nothing - no time to read, lol!

On the TV . . .

On the menu . . .
Crock pot pork chops with mushroom gravy, corn, wild rice
Mac n' cheese, steamed broccoli

What I am creating at the moment . . .
A hand embroidered kitchen towel, and some handmade jewelry (photos to share later).

Favorite photo . . .
...when Jesse used to beg me for his meal.  Lately, he's back to picking out the meat/veggies and leaving his dry food.  I'm gonna have to figure out how to step up my game and get him to eat better.  Poor guy.

Prayers . . .
For my step-daughter, who recently lost her grandfather.


  1. Looks like a busy day. Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas

  2. Jesse's face looks like my Marlene's! A good tip is to mix all the food up with water, it's harder for them to pick out the dry food that way! We gave up dry food last August, and they all eat home cooked now, no more picky eaters!!

  3. Thanks Luludou. It's gonna be a whopper of a week.

  4. Thanks Rain. I am watching my daughter's dog and she doesn't want to switch his dry food just yet, but she may have to.

  5. Glad to see all that about mushrooms. We've decided to try to grow our own this year. :)

  6. Looks like you had a busy day ahead of you when you posted this. I hope you turned that music on and just danced right through it. Your menu looks good and love the picture of Jesse! Super cute! Blessings for a great week ahead! <3

  7. Leigh, growing mushrooms is on my list to do as well.

  8. Thank you Rebecca, I turned on Christmas rock to get motivated.

  9. Is your dog older? When mine got older he wanted his kibble heated with water, to make it softer to chew... Looks like you got lots done!

  10. LAPaylor, I heated it and put broth on it with meat and he didn't eat it.


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