Monday, December 17, 2018

Weekend Updates

Friday I was stuck home due to a dead truck battery, so it was a full-blown house cleaning day.  It needed it anyway.  I got laundry caught up, woodwork wiped down, bathrooms cleaned, clutter tidied up, dishes washed etc etc.

I left myself "me" time despite the work load. 

Saturday morning we had a very sick cat.  He got allergy medication this time of year last year, and I finally figured it out.  Geraniums.  They are poisonous to cats and dogs.  I started bringing them in last year.  Not anymore.  Out the door they went, and off to the vet we went.  I caught him eating one and looked it up.  I feel horrible.  I'm always so spot on, when it comes to "pet safe" around here.

We had lots to do Saturday as well - groceries, hardware store, library, and all the other stuff around here.  Including test the truck battery, pick up parts to fix the pellet stove (electric bill arrived at a whopping $500-some amount), and put the last string of Christmas lights up outside.  We hauled a load of wood to the house, fluffed up the chicken coop with what little straw I had (still waiting on Hubby to get our order picked up), and more.  A total of 8 stops.  And we forgot to stop at the library.

Sunday we got up and ran 3 more errands.  Visited Mom, and drove back home to finish trimming the tree, and put all the totes back in storage.

What's off the hooks and needles right now?

One hand embroidered kitchen towel for one daughter.  Nothing fancy, but yet cute and something useful.

One hand embroidered kitchen towel for another daughter.
Cute for a "dog" person, and daughter who is struggling to keep her bills paid on a budget (who just shoveled out $80 for a vet visit, and $150 for new tires for her car).

I'm not done with handmade gift just yet, but I'll get back to work on them, just after another long day of cleaning.  I'm looking forward to a tidy house once again.  How was your weekend?


  1. Which plants are poisonous to cats?

    List of plants that are toxic to cats, as well as the most commonly encountered toxic plants...
    Amaryllis (Amaryllis sp.)
    Autumn Crocus (Colchicum autumnale)
    Azaleas and Rhododendrons (Rhododendron sp.)
    Castor Bean (Ricinus communis)
    Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum sp.)
    Cyclamen (Cyclamen sp.)

    Other human things dangerous to cats...

    Onions and Garlic. ...
    Raw Eggs, Raw Meat & Bones. ...
    Chocolate and Caffeinated Drinks. ...
    Alcohol and Raw Dough. ...
    Milk and Dairy Products. ...
    Grapes and Raisins. ...
    Dog Food. ..

  2. Thanks Willie. I can't believe I didn't look it up before I brought the plants in for winter. They are all tossed outside now. I don't have a room to keep them in away from him.


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