Sunday, December 2, 2018

Chicken Noodle Soup ~ Craft Show

Friday morning Youngest woke up feeling the crud.  I felt it in my throat too, so teas were brewed, essential oils dug out, and so forth.  I pulled out all the stops for the both of us - rubbed tea tree oil/oil carrier on our feet, rubbed oils on my chest, ran the diffuser, sprayed down everything with anti-ill spray, and even had my first cup of slippery elm bark tea to sooth a small case of laryngitis.  Just the thought of all the germs brewing this time of year in a doctor's office had me motivated to mix up new tea brews for our throats.

I spent the day finishing up touches to the pig ornaments, made 4 more wine cork keychains, a few pairs of earring/necklace sets and more necklaces.  I worked on the lapghan (photo coming soon) after I took care of the hens, fetched firewood, and got the mail.

In the midst of all of that, I made some homemade chicken (no I didn't go to the coop for the chicken...not yet) noodle soup with homemade noodles, carrots I put in the freezer, celery cubes I froze, herbs from the garden, and bone broth.  I knew Youngest would really appreciate it in her condition, and I as well.  It sure was a blessing to have all the ingredients in the pantry, freezer, etc.  My special ingredient is tying some organic peppercorns in cheesecloth, and putting that in the soup until I add the noodles.  It aides in reviving energy, boosts the immune system, and other good stuff.

Oldest daughter came out for a visit and of course I fed her.  She is dealing with the struggles of adulting.  She is always looking for homemade cookies, but this time got a banana muffin.

I also stamped some brown paper bags for customers on Saturday.  My ink is running out, but it did the job.  

About 4pm, just as it started getting dark and while taking Jesse out, 3 very large deer (one a buck) came out of the woods behind our place, and ran across the road.  Jesse went nuts, and at the same time one of the eagles flew over the house.  Jesse does not like anything that flies and went ba-zerk!  It was truly like "Wild Kingdom" for a few moments.

Saturday morning I scrambled about and packed up the car for the 1st craft event.  It ran from 11am to 4pm, and Hubby and Youngest helped me set up, watch the tables, and tear down. 

We also woke up to rain and much colder weather.  Rain poured down all day, with evening thunderstorms and an evening high of 48°.  The weather has been very strange.

We sold every single camper ornament, and a lot of other items.  I came home last night and watched the football game and started on more camper ornaments.  I sold some pig ornaments too - we are in corn country, so lots of farmers.  We did not sell one snowflake or tree necklace/earring sets though.  I haven't checked the inventory, but we sold a lot of my dish scrubbies and knitted dishcloths.  We were very busy for a small town event, and thrilled at what we sold.  I even sold some soap saver bags and a set of pot holders.  

Today it's warm out, but a bit wet.  The high is said to reach up to 58°F.  Sunny too.  I mentioned to Hubby over coffee that we should clean the coop, but he has other ideas, ha ha!


  1. I am thrilled that you did so well at the Craft fair, your hard work rewarded.

  2. Thanks mamasmercantile, it was our best show ever.


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