Monday, December 3, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  While selling crafts at the recent craft show, I was asked what I did for a living.  Proudly, I told her I stayed home.  She complimented me on that, and for a very supportive husband. It was a high of 58° and sunny most of the afternoon, so we hooked up with two friends and took off on a motorcycle ride.  What a blessing that was.  My to-do list is for the week.  If you have any cute ideas for spring crocheted items people would want to buy I'd love to hear your ideas.  There is a chance for craft show then. I'm thinking of making some flower cup coasters, but I'm stumped on other items.  Maybe some embroidered kitchen towels?  Embroidered bread basket clothes?  Bookmarks?

On the breakfast plate . . .
Eggs and toast, coffee

The weather . . .
High of 40°, snow later

Looking around the house . . .

It's a mess today

On my reading pile . . .
Nothing.  Too busy

On my TV . . .
Regular TV.  Netflix would not work

On the menu . . .
Have no idea

On my to-do list . . .
-dishes, lots of dishes
-take trash out
-make a breakfast scramble
-tidy up the kitchen
-crochet for another upcoming show
-decorate the trees
-start a fire, it's getting cold here again
-put the ear warmers back in my motorcycle helmet
-water plants
-wipe more woodwork down
-put tomato stakes away
-haul wood to the porch
-clean the fridge out
-strain an infused oil
-check library status
-start attaching price tags to crafted items
-place an order for Christmas
-clean bathrooms

Something I learned . . .
Oregano can be used to treat the common cold.  According to Mother Earth News (article is online), you can brew tea with oregano, because it contains carvacol, which inhibits bacteria growth.  Who knew?  I didn't.  I knew of using oil of oregano in tea, but did not not to make tea with actual oregano.

What I am creating . . .

Lots of stuff.  I need to write a list of what needs restocked for the next craft show.  I have about 11 camper ornaments ready to assemble.

A recipe I want to try . . .
Brandied nuts

From the camera . . .
Sunday morning sunrise.

On my prayer list . . .
My family, a friend who lost a pet, a friend who lost an Aunt


  1. As a Sicilian of course, l use a great deal of Oregano!
    One thing that is good to consume is Bay leaves....
    Also made as tea..
    Add the bay leaves and water to a pot, cover, and bring
    to a boil over high heat. Let boil for 3 minutes then
    remove the pot from the heat and let the tea steep for
    4 minutes. Strain and drink or sweeten to suit your taste...
    NO! Milk!
    It's good for ALL sorts of things...
    Bay leaves offer us a healthy dose of vitamins A, C,
    magnesium, calcium, manganese, potassium, and iron.
    Bay leaves soothe body aches. ... Rubbing bay leaf
    oil on inflamed joints reduces pain. Immune supportive:
    Has antibacterial and anti fungal properties...!

    Your 'To do list' always makes me chuckle! :0).

  2. Willie, thanks so much on the bay leaves. I've always wanted to try growing it here. Maybe next year. Yeah, my to-do list is a whopper this week. Oye. I'm procrastinating, and that's not good, ha ha!

  3. For a spring fair Easter ornaments and wreaths, table runners with spring flowers. Hair bows using floral and pastel fabrics. Tote bags are usually popular too. Hope that helps.

  4. Beautiful sunrise photo! Somewhere in the back of my mind I've heard that about oregano but have never tested it. I'm sure you'll think of lots of great things to crochet for your craft show. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. Thanks Jean. I have some new crafting ideas now.

  6. The picture of your bread makes me want to bake! Isn't our job amazing! I love being a homemaker! Even with my kids grown I don't think I would want to change a thing! I enjoyed stopping by! I hope you have an a amazing week!

  7. Sounds like a SUPER busy week ahead, hope it goes smoothly. Pretty sunrise! Have a GREAT week.


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