Friday, November 30, 2018

Teabag Tidbits

Today's teabag message.

We made ham/pea pasta with leftover ham for one dinner.  Yum!

I've been making anniversary plans.  It's a mini, one-nighter, combined with a winery trip not far from home.  Our plans to travel further were changed due to Hubby's work schedule, but it should be a fun time.  I'll post our updates next month on how it turns out. We still plan to have a HUGE party at our homestead next summer.  Including two bands.  We may need to rent a hall though.  Not sure if we'll have enough electric hook-ups for the bands.

It's strange having Youngest being a legal driver.  She's been borrowing my car to run errands, but I'm enjoying her help in library book returns.  She also helped me bake some banana muffins, although she had too much homework to finish decorating a Christmas tree.

In between cleaning and decorating, I've started on two more pig ornaments, and continue to work on the current lapghan.  Hubby suggested I crochet a few more snowflake earring/necklace sets, so I started on that too.  There are over 40 vendors at the first upcoming craft event.

After several attempts, and changing our schedule around, we've come up with a date for the family Christmas get-together (Hubby's side of the family).  We set it early to accommodate family that is traveling from Georgia.  It'll be a combined event, although in the past we tried to keep Daughter's birthday separate from Christmas.  We will have two cakes to celebrate two birthdays that fall together on the same day.  Hopefully both kids will have a special day.

Tree decorating continues.  I will have photos maybe within the next week.  I had to order another string of lights, ha ha!

It was snowing yesterday, but it's raining this morning here.  My chickens are still not laying.  


  1. The pasta dish looks cheesy, I love that! Oh that little snowman in the strainer! So cute!!

  2. I hear you on the chicken front - I get one egg, every other day. When is your first craft fair? I would bet that you will sell out - you are such a talented crafter!

  3. Thanks Rain, my Aunt sent me several of the snowmen years ago, so they are all around the house.

  4. Thanks Susan, I'll have an update on the first craft show soon.

  5. My hens are at an all-time low also. About 2 weeks ago we started leaving the lights on after chores in the morning - I am out there at 5:30, and leaving them on in the evening until 9:30. My pullets did not start laying when they should have and I think we missed a sweet spot with them - right age but not enough light. Anyway, at least one of them has started to lay now, and some of the hens are coming around.

    I was thinking about you the other day - I am reading a book that I think you might enjoy - THE BEST COOK IN THE WORLD - by Rick Bragg. I almost didn't take it at the library because I am not very interested in southern cooking but I am so glad I did. The stories behind the food are just so interesting! Anyway, you might want to see if your library has it. Take care

  6. The tea bag made me smile, never a truer word said. Loved the look of the pasta dish. Hope you manage to get away and celebrate your anniversary. The snowman in the strainer was a joy, looked lovely.

  7. Thanks Debby, I've written that book down and will see if our library has it.

  8. Thanks mamasmercantile. I put the snowmen all over the house, but wish I had more of them. They are so cute.


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