Sunday, November 4, 2018

This and That ~ Handiwork

I printed off new recipes for the Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.  I dried more onion flakes and onion powder.  Deep cleaned the bedroom and kitchen (more in there to do yet).  Got some work done on our 19 year-old's car, put away half of the porch pots, picked up long sitting weed piles, swept off one porch, put some barn siding in storage for any future needed repairs, washed a few rugs to later used for laying on for car/truck repairs, and put the camping coolers back in storage.  We also got one of the air conditioners removed from the window and in storage. 

Mia is back with her Mom for a few days, but may be back soon again.  She too, is in looking for new living arrangements.  Mia chewed the cover off of one of our youngest daughters books (borrowed from me) while we were out running errands.  I guess we'll need to keep those put up now too.  You know how much we love books too.  Sigh...

I made a few sets of hand crocheted earrings to sell.  I'll be getting more made this month.

As for winterizing the vegetable garden and herb garden?  Well, it'll all depend on weather and time this month.  We haven't been able to get one iota done out there.  Today's a good windy day, and laundry is on the line. The ground is pretty wet though.

It's a "slipper Sunday" for us three here today.  Meaning, we are only doing what we can in slippers and cozy clothes.  


  1. I love the sound of a slipper day conjures up some wonderful pictures of lazing around. The earrings are stunning, perfect for the season. I have just finished some keyrings to use as gift toppers.

  2. Thanks mamasmercantile, we enjoyed our lazy Sunday.


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