Monday, November 5, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining up with Happy Homemaker Monday, with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at home Mom.  It's been a rough past week with another death in the family.  The wife to a very dear friend (and couple) of ours passed away.  The funeral is this week.  Hubby's friend was like a brother to him.

The weather outside is. . .
In the 50's, cloudy, and a bit on the windy side.  Wet from last night's rain, and more will arrive later today.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Egg/sausage and potato burrito.

As I look outside the window . . .
The leaves are turning color here, but falling quickly.

Right now I am. . .
Puttering around with indoor "stuff" waiting on a person or persons to arrive to install a new windshield on one of the cars.

As I look around the house . . .
It's looking pretty good, and the pears are disappearing off the table today.  The last of them rotted too quickly, and although rotten pears would make nice wine?  Well, it's not happening this fall.

On the to-do list . . .
~Fetch firewood, empty ash pan
~clean pears and put some in the freezer for pies
~Fill two storage bins and put away for winter
~make homemade dry onion soup mix (recipe will be posted soon)
~dinner prep (meatloaf, mashed tades, corn)
~start putting back porch furniture in storage
~knock down cobwebs, they build as fast as I knock them down
....much shorter list today, thankfully

Currently reading . . .
Same book.

On the TV . . .
Regular ol' local TV movies.

What I am creating at the moment . . .
 I making more of these wine cork Starbucks's ornaments to sell - instructions are on my S.C.R.A.P. blog.

I just finished making necklaces to match the earrings I crocheted.  These will be sold hopefully at the next craft bazaar.

I'm about 3/4 of the way of finishing the scarf that was ordered for a Christmas present, and of course many other projects.  On the crafting to-do list - make wine cork keychains, wine cork earrings.

Favorite photo from the camera . . .
This always makes me smile.

Prayers, inspirational quotes, devotionals . . .
Praying for our dear friends and their family, as Heaven gained a beautiful soul.


  1. So sorry to hear you're starting the week with a tragic loss, so sad. Adorable ornaments! Sounds like a busy week for you - hope it's a GREAT one!

  2. You are so talented! I bet your craft table is going to be hugely popular. Our trees changed and dropped leaves, seemingly within days. And none of the color was as brilliant as it was in past years. I love that photograph of your holidays socks on the line!

  3. Thank you Susan, my youngest daughter told me that I had to take my socks off, and wait until Christmas - not happening, ha ha!

  4. Sorry for your loss.
    I like to see pictures of what you are crafting - you are very talented.
    Love to see your christmas socks clothes line. Have a great week

  5. Your ornaments are very cute! So sorry to hear about your friend's wife. :(

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. Your wine cork Starbucks's ornaments are very cute. I think your craft booth is going to do very well! Hope you have a few peaceful moments in the week ahead.

  7. Am sorry for your loss, Kristina, and am praying over all. Love the idea of making the homemade dry onion soup mix! Will be looking forward to checking into that! Love the crocheted necklaces, too! Super cute! Blessings for a great rest of the week and blessings to you and and yours!


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