Thursday, November 1, 2018

Antique Cookbooks

I inherited a few antique cookbooks that belonged to my great-grandmother, who had passed them onto my mother, and now myself.


This book had a piece of paper in it with my grandmother's handwriting.

Look at those costs.  Sorry for the dark photos, it's been nothing but dark, rainy, dreary days here lately.

Our dear friend in hospice, just one year younger than myself, passed away last night.


  1. So sorry for your loss of your dear friend. Beautiful books and what a lovely find to find the note that your Grandmother wrote.

  2. Sending my sympathies to your friend's family and to you also.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Even when expected, the news is always a shock.

    How lovely to have something in your grandmother's writing - one of the family have my grandmother's hand-written recipes, but although I have asked for a photocopy of it, nothing has been forthcoming. I must try again. She was a very accomplished cook - made all her own jam,chutney, preserves,wine, cakes, baking etc and of course meals.

  4. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend Kristina. xx

  5. Thank you for all your kind words. Bovey, I wish I had more recipes from my Grandma on my Dad's side - she canned everything, sewed her own clothing, grew her food, raised chickens etc.


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