Friday, November 16, 2018

More Cleaning

The farmer finally took out the corn across the road.  Now I can see animals creeping much better.  He got it out just before the nasty weather too.

All schools closed yesterday, so I had a helper to move the breakfast bar.  Internet was finally back up and running normally.

When I moved that hefty breakfast bar yesterday, it became an instant cat toy dispenser, ha ha!

Jesse isn't eating like he should be lately.  He devours homemade food, but some days won't touch is dog food.  He's acting normal though.

Chickens are still not laying.


  1. It's quite obvious Jesse prefers your homemade food. Smart dog.

  2. Mama Pea, I kind of figured I'd be making homemade food for Jesse, while in my care. He loves my homemade treats too. Healthier for him than the store food his Mom brought over to us too.

  3. Jesse obviously has a discerning palate! I would imagine that, if I ever have two extra hands available and can move my breakfront, I would find a lot of interesting and cat-related objects under it. And a vast quantity of dust bunnies!

  4. Susan, in all honesty, I'm glad I'm getting larger furniture moved and cleaned. Sort of feels like my spring cleaning early, so I'll have more garden time. Jesse can be a funny dog for sure. And picky, but who blames him.

  5. Is Jesse’s dog food dry or wet? I wonder because our beagle, Bilbo once went off his dry food because he had a sore tooth/gum after chewing on something outside. Can you check to see if any of his gums seem irritated?

  6. Thanks for the tip. I'll double check his gums. His food is dry too.


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