Monday, November 19, 2018

Handiwork Hustle ~ Extreme Holiday Clean

Despite deep cleaning, I've managed to sign up for not one, but two craft shows in December.  And even though I've been doing so much organizing, purging and cleaning, I've managed to whip up these cuties . . .

Scrap yarn Christmas ornaments.   I believe I got the pattern from a library book.  I'll post it if I can locate the book.  I apologize for the bad photo, it was pretty dark out and I turned on a pretty bright light.

I'm also putting the finishing touches on the Starbucks ornaments, and wine cork keychains.  

I've finished another washcloth and scrubbie set, and have another knitted dishcloth almost finished.  I would like to get a few more ornaments made before the shows too.

Hubby is tickled pink to see the deep cleaning getting done.  I'm hoping it will motivate him to get started on other bigger projects that need done here too.  I finally got my antique rug beaters up on the wall.  We've actually used them, but they had been tucked here and there, and while cleaning, I just thought what the heck.  Up they went.

The hefty armoire was moved, carpet cleaned, wall trim wiped clean and whatnot.  We bought "sliders" for this heavy job, as well as for moving he bedroom furniture (which is getting done after Thanksgiving).

The hutch was emptied on the lower end, wiped and cleaned up.  The top (sigh) will have to wait.  I'm getting close to running out of time.  I actually found a cookbook I forgot about, and excited to flip through it later.

I had a visit from Oldest Daughter, and her dog Mia.  Tiger was enjoying his sleep in a kitchen chair, when Mia went nose to nose.  Tiger finally figure out how to hold his ground.  He gave Mia the meanest glare and loudest hiss.  Poof.  Mia backed off.  She'll chase if Tiger runs.

Saturday we had a ton, and I mean a ton, of errands to do.  Our youngest joined, and when we returned said, "Man, I love to shop, but I can honestly say I am worn out!"  We were too.  We were all in PJ's, in bed, watching movies and football by 3pm.

Sunday we were up at 5:00am, and went right to work.  By 1pm, we were thoroughly pleased with progress and hung up the broom and cleaning rags for another day.  PJ's went back on for a well deserved rest of the day off.  It was cold, cloudy, and uninviting outdoors anyway.  

We have set a day to cut wood, so cross your fingers the weather cooperates too.  


  1. Love the stove and the carpet beaters are a delight. Great makes, the scrappy ornaments will look amazing on a tree. I have been cleaning all day too and am ready for an early night.

  2. Kristina, luv your red 'ash-can'..... did you buy it that color or did you spray paint it?
    Mine is just plain ol' galvanized silver... so unimaginative... lol!

  3. Katmom, Hubby and I bought it at an antique store years ago, in great condition. It's been the best purchase too!


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