Thursday, November 15, 2018

Holy Dust Balls!

I apologize on not getting around to reading blogs, commenting, etc.  Two days of the internet issues slowed me down, so please be patient as I get time to do that.  By the way, it's day 3 of internet issues.  In the midst of it, I got a text alert that someone was trying to hack my microsoft account as well.  Hm.   Hubby immediately mentioned our internet provider.  Who knows, but I'll be on the phone again today, so my patience will need more coffee perhaps.

I took the plunge and emptied this . . .

My breakfast bar.  I just have to empty the drawers, but those will be done after the holidays.  I just needed it empty to move from the wall, wipe down cobwebs, clean wall, trim and carpet, which will happen later today.  School was closed due to weather.  It's an icy mess out there.

I'm thinking I need to host here more often.  I'm cleaning things I haven't cleaned (yikes) in years.  Like the carpet under the larger furniture.  It does feel good to get it done though.

Just a note on the internet issue - I can't access my email.  Hmpf.  Yet.  I will be asking them for a refund on my internet bill today, so it may hurry them up to fix the problem. 

Our youngest daughter has been accepted into the National Honor Society. Induction was to be tonight, but with school closed they will most likely change the date now.  We are so proud of her.


  1. Gosh, when you clean, you really deep clean! Wish I were that motivated. I know my house would benefit from it! Ever wonder where all that dust/cobwebs/etc. comes from that you find when you move the big pieces of furniture? It's mystifying to me.

  2. Oh my, Mama Pea, it was a job for sure. Lots of dust and lost items under that thing.

  3. Congrats to you for the major deep cleaning and your daughter for NHS! I have just been deep cleaning for me...yet! LOL! But then I'm not having company.

  4. Congratulations to your daughter! And I agree about having company. Seems that's the only time when the house gets more than a lick and a promise.

  5. I have made a start on decluttering and cleaning too, what a task. Once you start it is never ending. Well worth all the effort in the end when everything is spick and span.

  6. Sam I Am, the deep cleaning needed done, and having guests just helped motivated me.

  7. I agree mamasmercantile, a lot of work, but so rewarding to deep clean.


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