Monday, November 26, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom blogspot.  You are graced with two blog posts today due to inclement weather.  I just feel like being lazy today, but the show must go on.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Egg, bacon and cheese sandwich, coffee.  Lots of coffee.

The weather . . .
Raining like crazy, which is to turn to snow later this morning.  Cloudy, dreary, and a bit on the cold side.

Thinking . . .
...that hunters shooting out back of our homestead stay off the property.  I hear shots going off already.

Right now I am . . . 
Waiting on the washer to quit, and getting ready to start on dishes.

My reading pile . . . 
More old writer magazines

On my TV . . . 
Movie rentals from the video store where one of our daughters is a Manager.

On the menu this week . . .
Leftovers.  Lots of good, tasty leftovers.

On my to-do list . . .
Put Christmas decor and trees up
Move dresser and clean under and behind it
Wash down two nightstand lamps and put new light bulbs in them
water plants

What I am creating . . .
Embroidered kitchen towels for gifting, a lapghan

Looking around the house . . .
I have some walnuts that will need to be cracked and put into the freezer before the Christmas meal.  The woodstove is going, and warming up the house.  I need to take down one curtain and wash it.  The kids played hide-and-seek during our large meal, and got food on it (hurumpf!).

From the camera . . .
Despite shotgun starting this morning, the Eagles are still out flying around in the rain.

On my prayer list, Bible Verse, Devotional . . .
I don't have any special prayer requests, but I do pray for my kids and family.  Two daughters who are in between living arrangements are on top of the list.


  1. Have a WONDERFUL week. Sounds like the perfect day and weather to be doing your Christmas decorating. It always scared me too when we lived near hunting areas - I hope they keep to where they're supposed to be. Have a GREAT week.

  2. What a great eagle picture! We had the rain, then sleet turning to snow yesterday. Hope you stay safe & warm today & have a wonderful week!

  3. That eagle is beautiful. Your temperatures sound like ours. Have a great week

  4. Thank you Tamy, yes I get a bit on edge when they are shooting directly behind our property.

  5. thanks Luludou, there is a family of 4 eagles living not far from our place.

  6. Eagles are so majestic! I've only seen them in my area once or twice in the wild and they were amazing. Have a wonderful week!

  7. Always enjoy reading your posts, Kristina. They're so inspiring! Love the little snowman picture. He's just too cute! Blessings for a great week ahead!

  8. crikey! Imagine having to worry about hunters... oy vey

    rain there, show here, lots of moisture except where it's needed, California

  9. Sherry, we've seen them fly over once or twice in the last 10 years, but not like this. They were even still hanging out in the same area in the snow.

  10. Rebecca, thank you. My Aunt (who has since passed away) mailed me several of those snowmen. I love putting them out, as it reminds me of her too.

  11. LA Paylor, we have to watch out for hunters every year this week. I've had to run them off in the past. One year I was putting laundry on the line and saw orange hats on the property. Had to run them off too. No respect, and the problem is other people saying they can hunt the woods behind us, and not showing them where the property markers are.

  12. Sounds like a great start tot he week! That snow person is darling! Did you make it? BTW have you ever watched Roots and Refuse podcast? I think you would like it!

  13. Sam I Am, I did not make the snowman, but my Aunt mailed several of them to me years ago. I'll have to check out that podcast, thanks.


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