Monday, November 26, 2018

Weekend Updates

The eagles were out and about again yesterday morning.  The kids were even flying and later up in this same tree.  They were flying over our place looking for their next meal.  I'm waiting to clean my coop until this week - shotgun week starts.  I'm going to hope the eagles stay away while the hens are in the run, but I'll have to muck it quickly and put them back in.

Sunday was a day of errands and delivering extra food, and what not.  I talked Hubby into cutting wood for a good hour before it turned dark.  Family borrowed the truck for 3 days and we didn't get it back until late Sunday.  Too late to haul our cut wood to the porch or barn, and now it's raining.  Hubby's back is sore from lifting furniture up onto sliders, so we cut our time short out at the barn rubble pile (but have enough wood to last a long, long time).

I got Youngest with the hide-the-rat the other day.  She tried to get me by putting it under a kitchen towel.  Didn't work, ha ha!

We have enough food to last a few days.  The bonus of hosting and having 2 meals this year.  The house is clean too, so I think I'll do some decorating with Youngest.  She's home today.  School is out, but back tomorrow.  However, I'm told some are already closing for tomorrow due to weather.  It's raining right now, but turning to snow later.  

I will have to do constant checking of the property this week.  I've had to run off hunters (shotgun week) in the past.  Some have no respect for other people's property, so I'll most likely put Jesse on a leash this week too.

We left our porch furniture out until the holiday meal, so I'll be bringing in one chair at a time, drying it by the woodstove, and putting them in storage.  What a mess this weather is, but I think being snowed in is a fun reason to do some Christmas decorating.


  1. Did you know...I expect you do......
    How Did The Bald Eagle Become The National Symbol....?

    The Second Continental Congress selected the Bald Eagle as the U. S. National Symbol on June 20, 1782.

    Shortly after the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress asked Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams to design an official seal for the new nation. They were unable to come up with a satisfactory design, so a second, then a third committee was assigned the same task. None were successful, although each had some ideas.

    The Continental Congress then handed the task to Charles Thompson, secretary of Congress. He took what he thought were the best parts of the designs that had already been submitted, and came up with the design we use today. A small white eagle had been part of the third committee’s design. Thompson changed that to be a much more majestic Bald Eagle. His design was accepted.

    There is no truth to the oft-quoted statement that Benjamin Franklin lobbied Congress to get the turkey approved as our national emblem...

  2. Willie, thanks for the info. I did not know some of that.

  3. It was interesting to read Willie's comment, I have learnt a lot. We have had our first eggs from our hens and are really quite excited.

  4. mamasmercantile, that's great your hens are laying already.


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