Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Caramel Apple Salad

Caramel Apple Salad
1 pkg. instant, organic butterscotch pudding
1 14-15 oz. can of organic crushed pineapple, with juice
1 cup organic mini-marshmallows
5 organic apples, peeling on, diced
1 container of organic whipped cream
1 cup organic salted roasted nuts, diced

Dice the apples and all remaining ingredients, adding whipped cream last, by gently folding it in the mixture.  Chill and serve.


  1. It sounds delicious! But where in the heck do you get organic instant pudding mix?

  2. Sam I Am, you can use any brand of instant pudding mix, but I try to stick with organic. Health stores online sell it. Possibly even on Amazon. Vita-cost sells it.

  3. Oh, yummy!! It's not easy to find organic boxed goods around me and I'm trying to wean myself off Amazon. That said, I will have to find the best way to make this salad. I've got the organic apples!

  4. Susan, I have to buy most of my organic items from Vita-Cost. I wait to place an order after I have a long list, get a discount code and free shipping.


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