Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Green Tomato Thief ~ Tidbits

We woke up Tuesday morning, to find most of my green tomatoes all over the kitchen floor and living room.  Mia, the hairy green tomato thief stole them during the night.  There were teeth marks in all of them, and it appeared she didn't eat one.  

Yesterday's start of the sunrise.  Our temps got up to the lower 60's!

The sorghum cookie recipe I used (posted in a previous post), is found online called "Sorghum Syrup Crinkle Cookies" by Golden Barrel.  I used my local sorghum, and regular ol' sugar.  They were delicious and the family has requested them again already.


  1. I love sorghum. I remember my mother telling me that they used it in place of sugar when she was growing up. I buy it whenever I see it as I prefer it to honey on biscuits. The cookies sound delish! Thanks for posting your sunrises and sunsets. Too many trees here....I never see them. Happy Halloween!

  2. Sam I Am, sorghum is also called "poor man's sugar." We love it.

  3. Another beautiful sunrise. Are you sure it is the dog and not a ghost, it is!

  4. I will have to find some sorghum syrup locally - I am so fond of molasses and honey, that I forget there are other options. What a stinker, that Mia is!

  5. mamasmercantile, you made me laugh, ha ha!

  6. Susan, we are able to get sorghum made in our state too, near the Amish. I pick up blackstrap molasses too. Yeah, Mia has been a stinker, but her Mom will be home soon to get her.

  7. Oh Mia...Jack tried to eat a whole loaf of bread today...Alex caught him and it was a battle to get him to let go lol...That's a beautiful photo!

  8. Rain, Jack sounds like he was a bit like a toddler, lol! Thank you.


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