Monday, October 29, 2018

Weekend Updates

Youngest Daughter had her Halloween party.  She even had candles that drip "blood."  Orange lights were up, blinking light candles going, scary movies playing etc.  With all the company over, and another daughter here for a visit, Mia got a case of the "zommies."  Every rug was turned up, ha ha!  I wish I got it filmed for her Mom.  So funny.

Saturday morning we woke up to cold, rainy, and windy weather.  Hubby had to work all weekend, so I couldn't even do the major deep cleaning projects (need the extra muscle to move stuff).  Oh darn (ha ha!).

Daughter had one friend sleepover, and Hubby was working his double shift, so I whipped up some larger homemade biscuits and cooked some homemade sausage patties for egg/sausage biscuit breakfast sandwiches.  I used my largest biscuit cutter and it worked great.  I just have to make the patties thinner next time.  Yum!  I even saved some for Hubby.


Had a long talk with the ladies and gent first thing, and told them if they don't start giving me some eggs they're gonna be in the stew pot soon.  Then again, they do deserve a night break after all that work this year.

I then had to fetch wood from the barn, one arm-load at a time.  All the wood on the porch was wet.  The wind blew the rain under the roof and "poof" saturated the wood.  Oh well, I got extra steps on my fitbit.

I fired up "Big Red" and drove to the library and did a major book drop off, and majorly big pick up.  Daughter picked out some movies for the weekend.  Free movies are the best kind of movies you can get.  We love supporting our little library too, and love to see me (ha ha!).  Hubby loves it, because I am not filling the house with purchased books too, however I do love my own little stash and need some crochet and knitting books yet.

I lugged 3 full tote bags inside to return, and only took one filled bag home this time.  On the way in, I saw a huge rack of free magazines.  On the way out a lady was standing in front of it (small enclosed entrance-way), so not wanting to stand around and wait, I talked myself into walking right out the door.

I baked sorghum cookies, giving us a dose of iron, copper, vitamin B-6, magnesium, potassium etc.  The sorghum I buy is locally grown and sold at an apple orchard we get some supplies from (not apples, they spray).  Anyway, they were delicious.  I'll bake them one minute longer next time.  These do not taste like gingersnaps.  Almost like a sugar cookie maybe, but no strong molasses flavor either.

I cut strips of netting to embark on restocking the most requested item I sell - dish scrubbies.  Each one takes 20 yards of netting (cut into a couple of strips) to crochet.  I'm all out of blue, so these are the colors getting made.  Next requested item is knitted dishcloths, then the pot holders.

Sunday the dogs woke me up at 3:30am.  I checked all the perimeters and saw nothing, but 20 minutes later I heard a 4-wheeler of some sort pull out of the field and ride past the house.  The temperature was about the same - 38°F and more rain.  No wind in the morning though, so that was nice.  The sun was even out in the morning hours.

Hubby slept most of the morning, as he worked the graveyard shift all night.  Mia missed him so much she slept at the bedroom door until he woke up.  

Today it's a warmer 40°F thankfully. 


  1. I would love that sorghum cookie recipe! We have had hardly any sun and it's starting to take its toll. My ladies are not laying either, but who can blame them?

  2. Oh Yum! biscuits, eggs & sausage, we like to drizzle a bit of (real) maple syrup over them..
    I have been crocheting easy peasy dish rags,, to have on hand as quickie Thank you gifts.. One of these days I will take time to learn how to crochet pot scrubbers.
    Enjoy your Autumn of crocheting and playing.
    Have a fun Boo fest.

  3. Wow, my mouth was watering looking at the breakfast biscuit, delicious. Loved the look of the Christmas ornament pattern.

  4. Susan I will post the location of the recipe soon. They were very good.

  5. Thanks mamasmercantile. I hope to find some ornaments to make and gift out of that book.


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