Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Tuesday Tidbits

I have lost my notes on our pear wine. Sigh.  I found a recipe in my County Wisdom and Know How book though.  I may have to adjust it depending on how many pounds of pears we have.

Thanksgiving plans are falling into place.  We are not going to the restaurant like we did last year.  We are having two meals this year.  Once with Hubby's family here, and one at my younger brother's house.  I am just trying to figure out what to make for each get together.  Pies do better with our Christmas meal, so I doubt I'll bake one.  

I devoted Monday Madness to paperwork.  Got so much done, and have a pile to burn now.  Now if I can just keep it that way.

Unfortunately, the wife to a very good friend of Hubby's had a bad stroke a few weeks ago.  She's close to my age.  We got word last night that she is being moved to hospice today.  We are so emotional today, and feel so badly for them.


  1. So sorry to hear about your friend but thrilled all your plans for Thanksgiving are coming together.


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