Saturday, October 27, 2018

Random Tidbits

When I woke up, took the dogs out and stoked the fire (again), I realized I hadn't cleaned my vegetable scrubber the night before.  It went into some water and vinegar first thing, while I puttered around early morning.

I'm working on giving my blog a new look.  What is your favorite site to create a blog banner or collage photo etc?  Pic Monkey charges a monthly rate to use now, and that is who I used for free in the past.  

My brain needed a boost, so I made a nice cup of Rosemary-Lemon Thyme Tea (recipe is in Rosemary Gladstar's book - Medicinal Herbs).  Speaking of her book, has anyone made her recipe for honey onion syrup for colds?  It is not written if the syrup can be made and stored in the fridge for any period of time.   Or would you simply consume this often during winter to ward off a cold?  Thoughts welcomed on this.  

We all needed a boost of iron, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and so forth.  I whipped up a gingerbread banana bread.  It is made with spelt flour and some blackstrap molasses (packed with goodness).  I used parchment paper, used real maple syrup and homemade vanilla extract.  

The taste?  Pretty good (loaded with flavor), but my bread was on the dry side.  Not enough bananas?  I don't typically measure my mashed bananas, but I would for this recipe.  Next time it will be better.  I like this recipe, because it freezes well.  If you want the recipe, it's online at Chocolate Covered Katie - Gingerbread Banana Bread.   I bet this bread would be warm with some honey-cinnamon butter on it.  

Deep cleaning returned - washed down more woodwork, sorted and tossed many, many magazines, put things back in their homes etc.  Did my weekly anti-ill spray down (an essential oil mix to prevent germs). Sorted bills, did a small tidy-up at the kitchen computer area.

Sorted through a ton of library books, made another library run and came home with these.

Made a list of possible handmade/homemade Christmas gifts.


  1. I have no idea about sites for creating blog headers and banners. I used GIMP for mine (which badly needs the photos updated). Not familiar with Rosemary Gladstar either, but it sounds like a book I'd like.

  2. Thanks Leigh, I've made quite a bit from her book.

  3. That banana gingerbread sounds delish! No ideas for you on the blog update - I am so not savvy! Good luck with it!

  4. Thanks Debby. I may just put up one photo for now. Two of the dogs in the one photo have gone to doggy heaven.

  5. I love the sound of ginger banana bread, would make a great change during these cooler months. I made a lemon drizzle loaf for a change yesterday.


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