Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Time is a tickin' ~ Boozy sauce topped pear pie ~ This is it . . .

Monday we woke up to lots of fog.  Although school was delayed, our youngest still had to be up at her school (33 minute drive) earlier than normal bus pick up time.  She was heading to her first hair show.  I'm gonna assume next year she'll be going and spending more money as she learns more.

The temps heated back up again, but it came with rain.  So frustrating as I cannot get in the garden to get the garlic planted.  I don't want to say it, but it may be the first fall we do not plant garlic.  This year has taught me that planting too late is just not worth the work followed by loss of harvest.

I remembered I had pears in the freezer, so those pie crust crumbles came in handy.  

It was my very first time to bake a pie using frozen fruit vs. fresh.  I thawed them completely, but they didn't look like the normal 2 1/2# fresh (meaning not enough).  I thawed 5# of frozen and drained them.

It turned out perfect.  Although the pears much softer, it was still delicious.

Of course I whipped up a batch of homemade whiskey butterscotch sauce to top it with too.

It was a busy day in the kitchen, whether I wanted it or not.  Things needed done - eggs boiled, breakfast scramble make with greens, and bake and flake some Michigan salmon. 

I had to refill my jars of nettle and oat straw, wash dishes, and whatnot. 

The rain gave me a ton of lemon balm, so more filled the dehydrator despite the temperature 94° outside. I'll have a post soon on the lemon balm.

This is it. . . 

. . . the green bell pepper harvest.  They will not be getting bigger and the blossoms that were on are off.  Pitiful harvest and disheartening.  The weather heated up, but the cool down (less than a week) is coming and they won't be in the garden much longer.  


  1. You're so good at taking advantage of what little harvest the garden has given you this year. Plus, the boozy sauce topped pear pie (looks DELISH!) probably didn't hurt either. ;o}

  2. Thanks Mama Pea, it's been one tough year, and the pear pie put a smile on the faces in this house


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