Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tuesday Tidbits

Nothing more creepier than hearing something crunch through the tree line, while hanging laundry out at 8:30am.

Meal ideas come to me and the oddest times.  While washing the morning dishes yesterday I decided dinner would be Sloppy Charlies (organic ground beef and homemade condensed cream of mushroom soup), corn and zucchini saute and roasted brussel sprouts.

Speaking of the weekly menu, here's what else I came up with so far:

Breakfast (or dinner):  Homemade biscuits and sausage gravy, fried potatoes and scrambled eggs

-Creamy mac n' cheese, sweet potato hash browns, BBQ green beans with bacon, Chicken with home canned hot pepper mustard sauce, quinoa, broccoli, a spinach/parsley pesto pasta....still working on it....

Even though I wrote out a list for Sunday errands, I realized I forgot to buy borax and washing soda.  Urgh.  So cleaning the bathroom was put on halt until today.

Breakfast today is a sweet potato (thank you Garden Gods), and black bean frittata.


  1. You made me hungry for breakfast with all that yummy food you talked about! LOL! I got loads done yesterday...I just hope I can keep it up today and the rest of the week. I am working outside as it is perfect weather...not hot! Keep up the good work and have a great day!

  2. Thanks Sam I Am, I'm working outdoors this week too.

  3. Working outside is not option for us today it is blowing a gale and thrashing down with rain. The frittata looks good, I am using the left over veg to make one for dinner.

  4. Your Sloppy Charlie’s sound very much like the recipe in my LaLeche League cookbook for Beef Stroganoff on a budget style. My family has loved this for years.

    Nice newsy post!

  5. thanks mamasmercantile, a veggie frittata sounds good too. I hope your weather clears up soon.

  6. Thanks Goatldi, I make a budget friendly crock pot stroganoff too. Yum.


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