Monday, October 22, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

Good morning!  I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.  It's been quite a long time since I joined.  I have a long list of possible "to-do's" so it'll be interesting as to what I actually get done.  I'll link up as soon as she posts this morning.  I was up at 5:20am, so hence my early post.

The weather outside is . . .
This isn't from today, but from yesterday as the "winter" rain and wind rolled in.  It's cold again today.  

On the breakfast plate this morning . . .
Blueberry pancakes, sausage and eggs

As I look outside my window . . .
See that broken window in my one barn (in the above photo)?  Yeah...gotta cover it with thick plastic for the winter, so I can get it replaced in the spring.  
Clear and sunny skies today, but cold, cold, cold.

Right now I am . . .
Folding towels.

As I look around the house . . .
It definitely needs cleaned up.  We took the day off of work yesterday and ran errands.

On today's to do list . . . 
. . . in not particular order ~ my week long list
-feed and water the chickens, open the run
-feed barn cats
-feed dogs
-start oil infusion for a lotion
-slice garlic and put it in the dehydrator
-stoke fire, empty ash pan, fetch more wood
-dig up remaining non-useable beets and carrots in the garden
-bake a frittata
-clean a bathroom
-fix the sweeper
-freeze more of the ripening tomatoes

-change out the front room curtains
-go through more library books
-start on homemade Christmas gifts for the kids
-restock crafting items for a possible Nov. craft show
-dinner prep

Deep clean list
-clean more woodwork
-move bedroom furniture, dust, vacuum, shampoo
-kitchen desk clean up, shred papers
-reorganize two kitchen drawers
-clean the study, dust, vacuum etc.

Currently reading . . . 
"Snow, Stars and Wild Honey," by  George P. Morrill

On the TV . . .
Movies we rented from daughter's work place

On the menu this week . . .
Ha ha ha ha!  Oh, I have no idea.  Maybe chicken in the crock pot with mustard sauce and roasted brussel sprouts one day.  

What I am creating at the moment . . .
A crocheted headband for my oldest daughter.

New recipe I tried or want to try . . .
I have a long list of try-it's, but have very little time to do that lately - chocolate rum truffles, homemade chocolate marshmallows...the list is long.

Favorite photo from the camera. . . 
A recent sunrise view from the front porch.

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes, or Devotionals. . .

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. Mark Twain


  1. You ladies..certainly make me laugh..! :).
    Your always..going on..about how hard you
    all work..housework etc..Yes! Yes! You do
    ALL work hard..I know l was a single parent
    for 14yrs..Mum and a Dad..and as l still
    live alone, maintaining a home is still a
    chore, but has to be done..l got the J Edgar
    out this morning, plugged it in, and chased a bit
    of dust around my home...
    But! But! making out a list out is fatal..
    A list! Goodness me! No! :(.

    HaHa! The funniest! 'On the menu this week....
    'Chicken in the Crock Pot' the top of this post is a lovely
    picture/photo of a 'live' chicken..Bless!x
    I hope that's 'NOT' the intended victim...! :).

    So..I'm with Mark Twain...! :)
    Onwards and Upwards...! :). 🐾🐾🐾

  2. Oh my goodness... what a long today list you have!! We had clouds like that this weekend as well! I am ready for some Florida sunshine!!! Have a great week!!

  3. so true Mark Twain!!! And you have a long list to do! I admire your energy. Sounds like a lovely life and a busy week. LeeAnna

  4. We're cold and clear here, too. Now they're saying we ARE going to be getting frost at night. Just when I thought we were going to get a "warmer" week.

    I haven't made a list for several weeks now. Very unusual for me. I think all the end-of-season chores just got to be too much for me. What gets done will get done. Losing my steam and ready for winter down time!

  5. Willie thanks for the laugh (chicken, chicken dinner).

  6. Mama Pea, that's how I am this fall. Whatever gets done is done, and what doesn't doesn't. Just how it goes.

  7. You sure are a busy bee! Miam blueberry pancakes. Hope you have a great week

  8. Your sky photos are simply beautiful. I love the first one with your barn though I'm glad to have blue skies around here. Your weekly to-do list makes me ready for a long nap! Hope you have a wonderful week.

  9. A beautiful sunset, I can see why this would be your favourite photo.

  10. Thank you Luludou, Jean and mamasmercantile. Have a wonderful week!

  11. My Monday list is always huge too...I should really call it a weekly list as I could never get it all done on Monday. I like the questions and answers and to see what you're up to. Your life is more realistic and although I don't do nearly as much as you....I used to so I can relate to it all. Love the picture of the gray clouds....sounds like 'cozy' weather is coming!

  12. Sam I Am, I am finding it much more difficult to get my work done with zero help this season.

  13. Am visiting later in the week than I had hoped to, but am glad to finally have an opportunity to sit down and visit with everyone. It's been too long! Sounds like you're staying busy and, yes! Thanks for reminding me! We, too, have a broken window that needs replaced and am hoping to get it done before winter! Have a great rest of the week, Kristina! Blesings! <3

  14. Thanks Rebecca, hope your week is great too!


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