Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Although the weather is now in the 40's and not the 60's, I'm back out to the garden.  It's going much slower.   I hope to have a post on the garden, as I attempt to get it ready for next year.  Of course it depends on the weather too.  I was super irritable Monday evening.  I am trying to once again find the humor in all of this.  You could say this garden was a complete success if all you wanted to harvest was foxtail.

Mia must not like my knitting needles.  If I sit to knit she starts up with her need to play.  If I crochet, she naps.  Hm.  Coincidence?  I do need breaks in my day too.

I started my infused oil, but I had to heat up the kitchen too.  I am smacking myself for starting it so late.  However, the sunny window where it sits, is right behind my dehydrator (which about to start heating up too).

Mixed up some more handmade foaming hand soap.  This time I used my 18 in 1 Hemp lavender castile soap.  I am completely out of  the plain version of castile soap.  We're trying to tidy up the house for a bonfire/Halloween party for Youngest and her friends.

I've been splitting my time 50/50 with indoor and outdoor work.  I hope to have some order indoors in case weather outside for the party is poor.  I still have a table full of tomatoes, and those however, will stay where they are.


  1. Don't be so hard on yourself! I know, I used to be the same way, never satisfied no matter how hard I worked or what I accomplished. Well, if you dropped dead today would it matter? No, so enjoy the moments, slow down and savor the days.
    I need to make some of that foaming soap with my Lavender castile liquid soap...duh! I never thought of using it for that...great idea...thank you! I'm still doing my 15 minute outside (these are minimums just to keep the momentum going) 15 m of de-cluttering and 15 m of paperwork. It's really working for me along with staying on top of daily chores. Of course, I don't have nearly the chores you have nor do I have the energy anymore! LOL!

  2. Sam I Am, Thanks. I just sat down to figure out what I wanted to clean today, and for how long. Funny you mention your 15 min plan. It's very cold here, so I was only outside today for about 30 minutes. Brr.

  3. Its blowing a gale here so I am not attempting to go outside apart from seeing to the chickens and of course the dog. I have a blazing stove and intend to enjoy some me time.

  4. It seems too cold, too soon to me. I have the same sense of disgust with my garden this year - everything was dry as a bone in the spring and now it won't stop raining. I'm hoping we get a decent season next year because we deserve it!

  5. Susan, I sure hope next year is much better. What a rotten year this year.


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