Sunday, October 21, 2018

Went straight from summer to winter...

We've had a few beautiful sunrises at our place lately.

Mia, wanting to play as soon as I sat down to knit a bit.

Made my first Einkorn chocolate chip cookies.  I didn't have whole wheat, but they tasted great!

Started up the wood stove once again, but had to use my clothes dryer for the first time in a looooong time.  It was cold and it rained.  At least the garlic is getting a good watering.

Cleaned all the straw out of my emergency chicken coop (adjacent to the main one), because the rat (or something) came back and starting chewing a new hole. Grr!  Re-set the trap.

While embarking on the mission to do the dishes, I found 45 other things that needed done (while mentally making a list of other things that needed done).  Isn't that how it always goes.  I walked into the garage to see if we had newspaper, and noticed garlic hanging.  Oops.  Brought that in right away.

Got the mail, and my beautiful bling wallet arrived!  Thank you so much for the give away Goatldi!

Snow was predicted, along with the rain and wind, so I trimmed the tops of the zinnias (no time to pull the plant), and brought in what little bit I could of green onion and chives to freeze.

One of the books I brought home from a recent library loot trip.  Once again, gaining more recipes.  There may be a few gems in this book.

Overall, Saturday was sort of a strange day after 3pm.    Our oldest daughter called to check in her dog Mia.  She's out of town for a few more weeks.  One daughter and her boyfriend came out to pick up her mail, and drop off some bandannas for her dog Jesse.  After they left, my youngest daughter left for a birthday party.  

I was home alone with the dogs until Hubby got off of his long 10 hour day work shift.  It was sort of strange.  Too quiet if you ask me, and that was when the weather started to change.  I got another arm load of wood and kept the house toasty.  I brought in a few things off the porch and stored them for winter, but I'll need reinforcements to put the larger items away.


  1. Same here re the weather. No fall this year. Just lotsa rain that brought cold with it. We've been working outside this morning in damp, gray, 30 degree weather. Brrrr. Came inside to warm up my hands which are both numb and tingling as they warm. Hello, Old Man Winter!

  2. Hey Kristina,, yeppers,, it's that time of the year,, clothes line taken down, garden pruned and put to bed, out door furniture tucked into the barn,, and out come my stack of magazines, that we haven't time to read all summer long.. I am looking forward to cups of warm tea, and relaxing stitchery projects... as for baking,,, I will just enjoy your posts of the yummy goodies you make..
    Happy Autumn

  3. A beautiful sunset. We are lighting the stove most days now, the temperatures here are dropping quite quickly too. Those cookies look good.

  4. Mama Pea, you are right about coming in to warm up. Brr.

  5. Katmom, I will most likely be spending more time crocheting. It has been cold here.

  6. Thanks mamasmercantile, the cookies were very good.

  7. It is the same here is AR...the trees are still sort of green and brown and we had our first frost but it's been cold and rainy.
    That book looks good! Congrats on the lovely wallet win! Glad your cookies turned out so yummy looking! Lovely photo of sunset...I never get to see them anymore as there are too many trees here blocking my view so I appreciate it. Animals are like kids....the minute you sit down for a break or are on the phone....they want something! LOL!

  8. Sam I Am, I am slowly getting used to having dogs in the house again. Mia loves to play after a long nap.


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