Thursday, October 25, 2018

Hunter's Moon

In case you missed the Hunter's Moon Wednesday, here you go.  We woke up to 33°F yesterday morning.

Here is the moon this morning.  We woke up to a chilly 28°F.  I got up at 5:30am to take the dogs out and stoke the fire.  Typically, I put Mia on a leash and let Jesse go do his business within sight of our pole light.  However, after I called for him, a group of coyotes moved through, and they were close.  Loud too.  I had to yell "treaty" to get him running inside.  I will be taking him on a leash now when it's dark.  They were across the street somewhere, and the corn is still up there.  My hands were literally shaking, they were that close.  Coyotes were always an issue when we had kid goats.  Thankfully, they are not around our area as much as other areas.  This is the second time we've heard them this year.

I only worked outdoors yesterday for about 30 minutes yesterday - too cold.  I can't function pulling weeds etc with too many layers on.  This week is going to be interesting.  Rain is in the forecast, so I'm yanking weeds and dead plants as fast as I can.  I'm not sure when I'll be out there today.  It'll have to warm up first.

Last night I made breakfast for dinner - homemade sausage in sausage gravy, over homemade biscuits, scrambled eggs and fried potatoes.  By the way, I made the eggs first, cooking them almost done.  I then put them in a crock pot on low while I cooked everything else.  It worked great and freed up my stove top.

Mia literally put her bone in my lap yesterday, while crocheting, ha ha ha!  Funny dog.  However, she goes after cats.  Urgh.


  1. I feel you on the coyotes - I am super-hyper aware when I let Lovey and the coyote morsel, Peanut, out when it is not complete daylight. The only thing I like about the early onset of darkness, this time of year, is that I can let the dogs into the chicken yard when I get home because it is securely fenced.

  2. Susan, we've talked about getting a fence up for the dogs, and will have to now. I don't like walking outside with them on a leash either. It's so dark out, and there isn't much light from the pole light.

  3. Kristina, that breakfast looks amazing! Biscuits are something I am still trying to master.

    We take our dogs out on leashes before bed too - not taking any chances that they will take off after a critter, especially if that critter is a skunk!
    We hear the coyotes sometimes, but usually not too close. We have wolves in the area from time to time but have not heard of any lately. We have never had the coyotes in the farmyard - I think there is just too much for them to eat out there. Hope so anyway!

  4. Debby, I am hoping the coyotes were hunting rabbits, raccoons etc. I've seen less raccoons this year. Thanks. The breakfast was delicious.

  5. My goodness Coyotes would make me run back inside, scary times. We occasionally have breakfast for dinner, yours looks delicious. Great tip about the eggs.

  6. Thank you mamasmercantile, we've been trying to find a way to make a large breakfast, and keep the eggs warm. Now we have. Yes, coyotes out here is about 2 times a season. So far anyway.


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