Thursday, August 23, 2018

Cool Day ~ Calendula Lotion

We finally had a day where we could turn off the air conditioner.  What a change of temperature, but we are told it'll heat up again this coming weekend.  Such a beautiful day.

I woke up Wednesday with zero, nada, zip of produce to either freeze, dry or can.  Nothing.  I realized, before heading out to weed (again), I had the chance to get my lotion made.

Boom!  Done!  I love this lotion.  I have tried a few lotion recipes, but this is by far my favorite.  

1 cup calendula oil (make ahead)
2 Tbsp. beeswax pastilles

Melt over low heat in a double broiler.   While that is melting, place your heatproof glass mixing bowl in a sink of warm water to keep it warm for when you mix with the blender.

Remove from heat and add essential oils of your choice (10-15 drops), pour into a heat proof glass mixing bowl, slowly add 1 cup of room temperature water using a hand blender.  I specifically have a hand blender for non-food handmade items.  I also have special mixing bowls and measuring cups just for this.  Pour into your clean containers.  I store my extras in the fridge.  It will grow mold if you don't or don't use it timely.  

To make oil:  place dried calendula flowers (I grow my own) into a quart canning jar.  I fill mine about 2/3rds full.  Add a good organic olive oil.  Put a lid on it and place in warm, sunny window for 4 (to 6) weeks.  Strain, and store in a cool dark location.


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