Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Random Tidbits

Monday, while Hubby and daughter were scrambling around getting ready at 5:45am, I was mumbling.  

"I have to work out, can jam, clean the coop, make a scramble for the week, do the dishes, do the laundry...."

Hubby said, "what'ya gonna do after 9am?"  

I laughed, and laughed.  That is true.  There is an advantage of being up early.  Sparta was giving me heck while cleaning the coop.  He kept getting out of the door, and out into the open garden area.  I had to keep chasing him back into the run.  I think he's getting old or his broken leg from years ago is giving him trouble.  He's having a bit of trouble walking and climbing the ramp now.

Speaking of scramble - this weeks breakfast for a few days.  It's made with some swiss chard, jalapeno, home grown potatoes, onions, green pepper and bacon.

Tuesday, I was up at 4:26 am precisely.  Work called Hubby in, and the thunder and pouring rain kept me from going back to sleep.

I hope we are well stocked now with Cowboy Candy, but if I can get more jalapenos, I'll can it one more time.  We love it!  I canned blackberry-red raspberry (our berries) jam and more peach jam.  I just wish I could find some hot banana peppers now. The purchase of our organic hot banana pepper plants were a fail.

The garden. . .popcorn may be a fail this year too.  The last storm we had, brought very strong winds, and my patch has been somewhat flattened.  Now with more heavy rain, thunderstorms, wind...who knows what'll happen.

Sadly, the 2# of tomatoes I had brought in, starting rotting in a few days.  

Although Hubby is against it, I'm back to considering working again.  We have to buy almost everything our garden didn't provide to stock up, and our cost to put the garden in has set us back.   Not sure what we'll do just yet.  I was so busy Monday, dinner time crept up on me quickly, so I'm struggling to figure out how to even hold a job and keep this place afloat.  There are many things we'll do without I believe too.

One dinner this week was smoked turkey bone soup.  I don't normally like soup in summer, but it was delicious.  I just added whatever I had, but the smoked carcass from my younger brother was worth keeping.  Yum.

I also made a new side dish - a cheesy jalapeno corn mix.  I used the frozen off the cob corn and it was very good!

Oh, and here is the latest new recipe I tried in my dehydrator. . .

Peanut butter cookies.  They were much easier to flatten than the oatmeal.  The only con to this, is it uses 1/2 cup organic coconut oil.  Same with the oatmeal.  I will however, keep this recipe for group meals and holidays.  I think they'd freeze okay, and if I triple the recipe I can fill my entire large dehydrator and save me time and ingredients.


  1. I love the idea of dehydrated cookies as opposed to freezing them. But please tell me how you rehydrate them. That probably falls into the category of stupid questions, but this is the first I have heard of dehydrated cookies.

  2. My answer to "what you gonna do after 9" would have been SLEEP! My goodness you put me to shame the amount of work you get done in a day. I am so sorry that your crops have been failing this year, it seems to be a worldwide problem with these extreme weather conditions.

  3. Yes, the real downside to losing most of your garden is having to buy food - and the cost of food is high. Thank goodness you're exceptionally talented at making something healthy and delicious out of thin air (or so it seems to us!) Would love the receipt for the cheesy jalapeno corn mix! I have been putting little bits in the dehydrator, since I'm not getting large quantities of anything but don't want to waste any of it.

  4. Vicki, they are eaten after drying in the dehydrator. Just another way to bake them.

  5. mamasmercantile, there is an advantage to being up early, ha ha!

  6. Susan, I thawed 3 cups of my frozen off the cob corn, drained the liquid, put it in the crock pot with slightly less than 4 oz. of organic cream cheese, 2 diced jalapenos (ours are small, so it depends on how much heat you want in it), salt, pepper, a little bit of sharp shredded cheese (sorry, didn't measure, lol), about 1/4 tsp of homemade onion powder and 1/4 tsp homemade garlic powder. I cooked on high until cheese started to melt, then on low (depends on your slow cooker). I think it cooked 2 hours in the crock pot. We loved it.


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