Thursday, August 23, 2018

Family History Christmas Gift Idea

I clearly had a "thing" for Christmas.  I'll admit, when the kids were young, I was the first to volunteer for their school Christmas parties.  I made a hand crafted tree ornament and wrapped one for each student.  That's how crazy I was over Christmas.

Recently, I've realized how crazy.  Cleaning off over 100 Christmas related books, then days later finding binders full of Christmas magazines.  By the way, I had it all - Christmas Almanac, Christmas recipes for around the world, Christmas traditions, Christmas planners, etc.

Then I came across this the other day, while cleaning in the bedroom closet. 

Sometimes a new idea, is not always a good idea, ha ha! 

It's a binder dedicated to gift giving, baking, patterns etc.  I didn't even know I had this, and so it was emptied and binder put away for possible donation.

I know one friend of mine will laugh out loud at this point.  I tossed much of it, but wanted to share one gift idea.  I actually made one for my Mom and Dad. 

Hopefully, you can click on the photos and be able to read them.  If not, let me know, and I'll write it out in the post for you.

Now you all have a fun way to gift a parent, grand parent, or great grand parent.  Maybe your Aunts and Uncles too?  Enjoy, and get crackin' on those homemade Christmas gifts.


  1. Wow! I think we just might need to crown you the Queen of Christmas. I get into it, but not anything like you do. My husband loves Christmas, so I like decorating and doing special things for him. I love that he loves it so much and enjoy seeing the pleasure he holds in his heart for the holidays. Thanksgiving is my favorite, that and the 4th of July :)

  2. I am a great fan of Christmas and try to make it as special as I can for the family. I have already made a start on some of my gifts. Such a wonderful suggestion.


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