Friday, July 6, 2018

Taco Pasta ~ Popcorn Topping

There have been days when I just think ice cream sounds good for dinner, and I don't want to cook.  However, one night I threw together a pasta dinner with what was on hand (too hot to hit the grocery store for restocking).

We still have some corn and beets in the freezer, so veggies are still supplying us, but I had to be creative with the pasta dish.

I created a healthier Taco Pasta.  Here's what I did . . .

Cook 1 lb. of organic ground beef.  Add 2-3 Tbsp. of homemade dry taco seasoning, and a bit of water.  Cook down until moisture is cooked out. 

Meanwhile.  Boil one box of non-gmo shells, drain.  Add the pasta to the ground beef, add one cup of salsa (I used my home canned zucchini salsa, 1/2 pint of home canned taco sauce, and 1-2 cups of organic chedder cheese.  Some snipped chives or something on top would be nice for color (and health reasons), so I'll do that next time.  This dish went over very well.

I took homegrown popcorn to a new level.

 (no photo - we ate it all)

Popcorn Topping - mix 1/4 cup cumin, 3 Tbsp. oregano, and 1 Tbsp. cayenne.  Sprinkle over buttered popcorn and enjoy!  All of the ingredients just up the health in home grown popcorn.

Guess what project I finally finished?  The Monster ice pop holders.

My little nephew will be a pretty happy kid.  His hands won't be cold and he'll have some cool holders.    


  1. Oh gosh, the taco pasta looks scrumptious. So much fun to pull together a creative meal with things you grew for yourself. I like the popcorn topping idea too. Love our homegrown popcorn! But the monster ice pop holders really take the cake. So cute. What kid wouldn't love?

  2. Thanks Leigh! I hope to deliver the ice pop holders soon. I can't wait to see his face.

  3. Those ice pop holders are wonderful! Genius! I might have to pop some popcorn this weekend just to try that topping - if it cools off enough...

  4. Susan, thanks. I know what you mean about the heat. Sheesh.


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